October 11, 2024

WASHINGTON - The RNC, Michigan GOP, and chairs of Wayne County Republican committee have secured a major victory for election integrity in Michigan by working with the Election Commission of the City of Detroit. As a result, Detroit has agreed to changes in its processes and protocols for hiring at least one Republican poll worker in each location and an equal number of Republican poll workers, as nearly as possible, in each location for the November election.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated: “Thanks to the efforts of the RNC and Michigan GOP, Detroit will now change its election processes so that Republican poll workers will be allocated to all voting locations and, as nearly as possible, an equal number of Republicans will be hired this November. This will bring much-needed transparency and accountability to Detroit’s election system and ensure that a more equal number of Republicans and Democrats work Detroit's polls -- our election integrity operation will continue to fight and win for our country’s most important election.”


  • In August, we sued the City of Detroit for their failure to hire a sufficient number of Republican election inspectors and allocate those Republicans as required by Michigan law.
  • State law mandates that election officials must hire at least one Republican in each location in Detroit and also allocate an “equal number, as nearly as possible,” of poll workers from each major political party to each location. For the August primary, hundreds of locations had no Republicans and overall seven times as many Democrats were hired than the number of Republicans.
  • Today, we have reached a settlement with the City. They are changing their processes and protocols to correct this imbalance in poll worker assignments, ensuring that November’s election adheres to the legal requirements for balanced party representation, as nearly as possible.
  • The success of our election integrity campaign is unprecedented—we will keep fighting in Michigan and across the country to ensure legal, accurate, secure and honest elections this November.