September 20, 2024

WASHINGTON - Today, the Georgia State Election Board passed important rules to protect Georgia’s elections and secure fair and accurate results.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley stated: “We applaud Georgia’s Election Board members for passing these critical rules and continuing to fight for transparency and accuracy in Georgia’s elections. This is our country’s most important election, and Georgia has sent a clear message: ballots will be protected, and cheating will not be tolerated.”


  • Georgia’s new commonsense rules will help ensure only legal ballots are cast and counted. These include:
    • Allowing the Board to make a “reasonable inquiry” into election results to verify they are “true and accurate” before certifying the election. This rule allows board members to examine all election documentation before certification – without this, Board members would not even know what they are certifying.
    • Another rule requires the total number of voters to be reconciled with the total number of votes. There should not be more ballots than voters casting them, plain and simple.
    • Today, the Board passed a new rule requiring the hand counting of paper ballots on Election Day or the day after to ensure the totals reconcile with the electronic voting system.
    • Additionally, the Board passed drop box safeguards, which provides more transparency, mandates Voter ID, and 24-hour surveillance of all drop boxes.
    • Registrars must make a daily reporting system for the total number of voters that have participated, including early voting.
    • Tabulation centers now have additional areas for poll watcher access to view tabulation and reconciliation processes.
  • These rules are absolutely crucial to accountability, transparency, and accuracy in Georgia’s elections – they are basic Elections 101.
  • But Kamala, the DNC, the mainstream media, and more are fighting against these safeguards to sow chaos in Georgia’s elections. Board members have been sued, threatened, and intimidated for fighting for our basic election protections.
  • The RNC is fighting to protect the certification rule from the DNC and Kamala’s attack in court.
  • We will continue to support the Georgia State Election Board members fighting for our election integrity.