Kamala Is More Radical Than Obama

August 20, 2024

Tonight, Barack Obama will be adding his personal touch to Kamala Harris' voteless coronation, but let’s be clear: this isn’t Obama’s party anymore. The reins now belong to Kamala Harris and the radical left.


  • As California’s attorney general, Kamala Harris defied the Obama administration, allowing law enforcement to ignore ICE detainers and dashing even further to Obama’s left.
  • Even after Obama rejected a ruinous single-payer healthcare system, Kamala embraced ending private healthcare and forcing over 200 million Americans onto inferior, government-run plans. 
  • In 2019, Obama tried to warn Democrats against being “always politically woke,” and compromising with radical activists on college campuses. Kamala did not take the advice.
    • In Sep. 2023, Harris went on what was described as an “embrace-the-woke” tour of college campuses to court the radical Marxist, pro-Hamas base of the Democrat party.
    • In Oct. 2023, just two weeks after the horrific Oct. 7 Hamas terror attack on Israel, and while American college campuses were terrorized by pro-Hamas, antisemitic chaos, Kamala recapped her tour, praising “our young leaders are inspiring all of us because they are so clear that this is a moment in time where so many fundamental freedoms are at stake.”
  • Obama’s IRS was weaponized against and unfairly targeted conservative nonprofits. The Harris administration doubled down on these banana republic tactics, weaponizing the Department of Justice against President Trump. 
  • Barack Obama wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on his own version of the Green New Deal—a congressional investigation uncovered extreme “dysfunction, negligence and mismanagement by DOE officials” in taxpayer-funded handouts to companies that failed to produce a single watt of power. 
    • This incredible waste was not enough for Kamala Harris, who co-sponsored the job-killing, energy-destroying, $93 trillion price tag Green New Deal. 
  • Kamala even sued Obama over fracking.
  • Obama in 2019 warned incoming freshman Democrats to the House about the cost of the most radical ideas popular with the far left, cautioning them to consider “price tags.”
    • Kamala Harris the following year introduced what was then described as what “could be the most expensive bill ever introduced in Congress,” at a staggering cost of $6 trillion a year.
    • Now, after Harris recklessly spent our nation’s way into $2+ trillion annual deficits, the CBO expects that the national debt will hit $50 trillion within a decade. 
  • Obama negotiated the disastrous Iran nuclear deal, which included shipping $400 million in pallets of cash to the world’s largest sponsor of terrorism. Kamala went even further, waiving sanctions and allowing Iran to increase its oil exports by over 245%, flooding the regime with billions to fund Hamas, Houthi, and Hezbollah terror. 


Kamala Harris is a Trojan Horse for nation-destroying spending, communist price controls, and open borders. Tonight, Barack Obama will wheel her to America’s gates.