Kamala Harris Is Dangerously Liberal, Not A Centrist

August 23, 2024

           View Kamala Harris' policy plans at Kamala2024policies.com.


Kamala Harris has apparently expanded her press department to include the New York Times.


The New York Times wrote Friday morning that Kamala is running on "centrism" and has moved to the "political center."


That's nonsensical.


Kamala Harris still supports eliminating cash bail and freeing criminals into American neighborhoods. Ending cash bail is such a far-left position that a ballot initiative on it in liberal California failed.


Kamala is no centrist. 


She supports the U.S. Citizenship Act, which would allow previously deported illegal immigrants to become citizens. She wants to eliminate the Trump Tax Cuts and supports the largest tax increase in history.


She has yet to personally distance herself from giving health insurance to illegal immigrants, decriminalizing border crossings, and the Green New Deal. In fact, a Harris surrogate said that the $93 trillion Green New Deal "will be the vision under" Kamala if she is elected.


As Reuters noted Friday morning, Kamala Harris has refused to roll out any detailed policies. So, voters instead have to look at her record to see what she believes. 


Her record includes being named the most liberal senator, supporting eliminating private health insurance, and saying we need to "redirect resources" from police.


Kamala Harris is dangerously liberal, describing her as anything else is a lie.