President Trump Highlights How Kamala Harris ‘Broke Our Economy’

August 14, 2024

President Donald Trump delivered a powerful speech in Asheville, North Carolina Wednesday exposing Kamala Harris’ economic failures that have left Americans poorer.


President Trump announced that under his leadership the United States will commit to the goal of slashing energy prices by half. 


The speech followed inflation data showing that the cost of gasoline is up 50% since Kamala Harris took office. Credit card debt is also ballooning under Kamala Harris’ economy, which she claims is “working.”


President Trump: “Does anyone here feel richer under Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe than you were during the Trump administration? Is anything less expensive under Kamala Harris and Crooked Joe?... Are you better off now with Harris and Biden than with a person named Donald J. Trump?”


President Trump: “I am announcing today that, under my leadership, the United States will commit to the ambitious goal of slashing energy and electricity prices by half, at least. We intend to slash prices by half within 12 months, at a maximum 18 months.”


President Trump: “On my first day back in the Oval Office, I will sign an executive order directing every cabinet secretary and agency head to use every tool and authority at their disposal to defeat inflation and bring consumer prices rapidly down.”


President Trump: “We will target everything from car affordability to housing affordability to insurance costs to supply chain issues… to the price of prescription drugs. I will instruct my cabinet that I expect results within the first 100 days or much sooner than that.”


President Trump: “At the center of our effort to bring the cost of living under control will be the all-out push to end the Biden-Harris war on American energy. We will drill, baby, drill.”


President Trump: “With four more years of Harris, your finances will never recover… Vote Trump, and your incomes will soar, your savings will grow, young people will be able to afford a home, and we will bring back the American Dream, bigger, better, and stronger than ever before.”


President Trump: "Everything Kamala Harris touches turns bad. San Francisco was a great city. Now, it’s unlivable. California was a great state, now it’s unlivable. She breaks everything— just like she broke the border, broke our economy, but soon we are going to fix every single problem Kamala Harris and Joe Biden have created and we are going to save our country, we are going to save America.”


President Trump: “Her radical liberal policies have caused horrific inflation, decimated the middle class, and gutted the finances of millions and millions of American families. Real incomes are down by over $2,000 a year.”


President Trump: “If Harris wins this election, the result will be a Kamala Economic Crash— a 1929-style Depression. When I win this election, we will immediately begin a brand new Trump Economic Boom. It will be a boom. We’re going to turn this country around so fast.”


President Trump: “You’re paying the price for Kamala’s liberal extremism at the gas pump, at the grocery counter, and on your mortgage bill.” 


President Trump: "When I left office, I handed Kamala and Crooked Joe Biden a surging economy with no inflation. The 30-year mortgage rate was 2.6%. Gasoline had reached $1.87 a gallon. The African American poverty rate was down 7%. The Hispanic-American poverty rate was down 8%... In 4 short years under President Trump, we passed the largest tax cuts in history, the largest regulation cuts in history, we unleashed American energy, and real incomes surged by more than $4,200 dollars in 48 months. We had the strongest economy in history."


President Trump: “I gave Harris and Biden an economic miracle, and they quickly turned it into an economic nightmare with a nation-wrecking agenda ripped straight out of Kamala’s San Francisco liberal playbook.”


President Trump: “Kamala has declared that tackling inflation will be a ‘Day One priority’ for her—but “Day One” for Kamala was 3 and a half years ago, why hasn’t she done it?


President Trump: “Kamala Harris wants to be in charge of the entire U.S. economy— but neither she nor her running mate has ever held a private-sector job in their entire professional careers. It’s no wonder they’re both socialists.”