Kamala Owns The Border Invasion She Created

August 22, 2024

Kamala Harris took unprecedented action to dismantle President Trump’s successful border security policies — and imported millions of illegal aliens into our communities.


  • The Harris-Biden administration took 94 executive actions in the first 100 days to dismantle President Trump’s border security — including halting construction of the border wall and ending the “Remain in Mexico” policy.

  • Harris implemented a catch-and-release scheme via the CBP One app that has allowed millions of unvetted illegal immigrants to be resettled in U.S. communities with zero oversight.

  • Under Harris, at least ten million illegal immigrants, 30 tons of fentanyl, and criminals from all over the world have crossed the border — as American citizens are raped and murdered by illegals with no right to be here.

Kamala Harris would take it ten steps further if she is elected in November:

  • Kamala wants to make every state a “sanctuary state.”

  • Kamala backs MASS AMNESTY for millions of illegals already in the country.

  • Kamala supports decriminalizing illegal border crossings.

  • Kamala thought Barack Obama deported too many illegal immigrants.

  • Kamala compared ICE officers to the KKK and said we need to start "from scratch" with the agency that arrests and deports rapists and killers.

  • Kamala supports taxpayer-funded health care coverage for illegal immigrants.

  • Kamala wants to shut down immigration detention centers and release thousands of criminals.

  • Kamala said a border wall is "medieval" and mocked the idea that terrorists would take advantage of our southern border.

  • As a senator, Kamala urged the Senate not to fund additional Border Patrol personnel.