Palm Beach Playbook - June 13, 2024

June 13, 2024

June 13, 2024

TRUMP GOES TO CAPITOL HILL – President Trump was on Capitol Hill meeting with lawmakers today, and it was clear: Republicans are unified behind the 45th and soon-to-be 47th President of the United States!

Strengthened with unity in our Party, bolstered by commonsense ideals, and fueled by love of our country, we will save America on November 5th when the American people reelect President Trump!

BABYSITTING BIDEN – Joe Biden needs a full-time babysitter. That’s the lesson from yet another embarrassing trip abroad, where Biden never fails to make a fool of himself and our country.

Instead of Biden leading the world and defending American intertests, Biden needs world leaders to shepherd him around so he doesn’t get lost.

Reminder: This puts our country in danger. The world is literally laughing at America with Joe Biden in charge. They do not listen to him, and our enemies take advantage. The world is on fire because of Joe Biden’s weakness.

“ADMITTING DANGEROUS PERSONS” – A new DHS Inspector General report raises serious concerns about the criminals Biden is releasing into our country en masse.

According to the report, the Biden administration is not effectively vetting asylum seekers. CBP does not even have access to all federal data, let alone data from other countries, including many that do not cooperate with the United States. The report concludes that “DHS will remain at risk of admitting dangerous persons into the country or enabling asylum seekers who may pose significant threats to public safety and national security to continue to reside in the United States.”

This report is backed up by reports of dangerous persons living in the country after they were released by Biden. For example, eight suspected ISIS-K terrorists were released into the U.S. by the Biden administration after they illegally crossed the southern border earlier this year. Further, the inability to vet illegal aliens has allowed the vicious transnational criminal gang Tren de Aragua to infiltrate the United States according to a new report from CNN.

There is no effective vetting of the illegal aliens Biden is releasing into the country. Every time Biden and his administration claim there is, they are flat-out lying, and every day, American citizens are paying the price for the resulting Border Bloodbath.

YET ANOTHER HOAX – The Fake News media is now falsely claiming that President Trump called Milwaukee a “horrible city.” It's a total lie.

President Trump was explicitly referring to violent crime and voter fraud. Multiple members of Congress – including members of Wisconsin's own delegation – instantly debunked the false claim.

A few examples:

  • Rep. Bryan Steil (WI-01): “I was in the room. President Trump did not say this. There is no better place than Wisconsin in July.”
  • Rep. Derrick Van Orden (WI-03): “@realDonaldTrump was specifically referring to … the CRIME RATE in Milwaukee.”
  • Rep. Jim Banks (IN-03): “I was in the meeting. President Trump never disparaged Milwaukee. Just another Democrat hoax.”

For more, click here.

GARLAND HELD IN CONTEMPT – The House of Representatives voted to hold Biden AG Merrick Garland in contempt for refusing to comply with a lawful subpoena. He refused to release the audio recording of Crooked Joe Biden’s interview with Special Counsel Robert Hur to Congress.

Why is he refusing to turn over the tapes? What is on them? Why is he choosing to protect Joe Biden instead of complying with a lawful subpoena?

The American people deserve transparency. Release the Biden tapes!

SUBPOENAS ISSUED – Rep. Bryan Steil and the Committee on House Administration is subpoenaing 15 Biden Cabinet secretaries for documents on Biden’s government-funded voter mobilization “scheme.”

The details:

  • “In March 2021, Biden signed Promoting Access to Voting, which states that ‘executive departments and agencies should partner with State, local, Tribal, and territorial election officials to…expand access to voter registration and accurate election information.’”
  • “The plan has already come under scrutiny from Senate Republicans, who have called it a federal ‘voter mobilization’ effort with ‘potentially partisan impacts.’ … In April, a lawsuit challenging the executive order alleged it targeted key demographics to benefit the president’s political party and his own re-election.”
  • “Included in the subpoena list are the Department of Commerce, Homeland Security, Department of Defense, Justice Department, Department of Education, Department of Energy, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Department of Interior, Department of Labor, Office of Management and Budget, Department of State, Department of Transportation, Treasury Department and the Department of Agriculture.” 

As Rep. Steil noted, “Elections are partisan, but our election administration should never be partisan. Allowing federal employees from the Biden administration to flood election administration sites threatens election integrity and reduces Americans’ confidence…This executive order is another attempt by the Biden administration to tilt the scales ahead of 2024. I will continue working to provide transparency and accountability on this administration’s latest scheme as Congress did not appropriate taxpayer funds for partisan activities.”


Read the full article here.

“HE LOVES THIS COUNTRY” – Sen. Ron Johnson spoke with “Breitbart News Daily” about President Trump, and his experiences with the president behind the scenes.

  • “If you spend some time with Trump, you cannot not like him. He’s got charisma. He’s funny. He’s entertaining, but he’s serious. And, you know, he loves this country. And…he’s allowing himself to be dragged through the mud because he loves this country.” 
  • “He prioritizes things, and he just tells you what he believes. And, again, unlike any president, presidential candidate, Trump is the guy who has honored the promises he made. He’s not BSing. He’s gonna do what he says he’s gonna do.”

Read the full article here.

BETTER OFF WITH TRUMP – Under President Trump, real wages were growing, the economy was booming, and families were more prosperous. Watch the video here.

THE BIDENFLATION STATS – Trying to keep up with the latest inflation data? We’ve got you covered. From real wages, to specific price increases, to polls, to interest rates, get all the research and data you could ever need here.

The topline: Overall prices are now up 20.1% and real weekly wages are now down 3.9% since Biden took office.

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