Harris Weakness Wednesdays: Walz and Kamala Let Minneapolis Burn

August 07, 2024

To quote future-Vice President JD Vance, “Tim Walz was the guy who let rioters burn down Minneapolis, and then Kamala Harris was the one who bailed the rioters out of jail.”

Indeed, that is exactly what happened. Tim Walz and Kamala Harris were too weak to defend Minnesotans, and too radical to stand up to the defund-the-police rioters. In fact, they joined calls to defund the police. Here is some of how reporters described the chaos:

  • “We are seeing such damage and destruction throughout Minneapolis and St. Paul.” 
  • “Things have gotten so out of control, it is hard to understand.” 
  • “We can see the plume of smoke drifting towards downtown Minneapolis.”
  • “We are asking the governor…what is the plan here?”
  • “It is definitely not a safe situation for anyone.”
  • “We have seen protestors attacking police, defacing buildings, and looting from businesses.” 
  • “People are scared, and people are angry, and people want to hear form their governor.”
  • “The Third Precinct of the Minneapolis Police Department, on fire.”
  • “This is an abject failure. I just don’t think there is any other way to put it.”
  • “Is anything going to happen here, or are we just going to let this burn?”

Instead of taking action, Tim Walz refused requests for days from the mayor and others for the National Guard, and called it “exciting” that rioters burning down Minnesota’s cities were demanding “fundamental change.” He later claimed he was “proud” of his response.


And where was Kamala Harris? Encouraging her followers to bail out those setting Minneapolis ablaze, attacking cops, and looting small businesses. She helped bail out now-convicted violent criminals, releasing them back onto the streets.

As one reporter noted after the police precinct in Minneapolis was forced to evacuate, “many of the officers who were there that night sent final text messages to loved ones in case they didn’t make it out alive.” Minneapolis was burning, and Tim Walz and Kamala Harris sided with the rioters lighting the match.

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