23 DAYS LATER: KamalaHQ is Big Mad

August 13, 2024

“Day 23 and still no press conference or media interview from Kamala Harris. It’s almost like she can’t step out in public unless she is pre-programmed like a robot or has a teleprompter with her.


“Meanwhile, President Trump held a wide-ranging conversation for over two hours with Elon Musk that was the most successful in X Spaces history. KamalaHQ knows their candidate doesn’t have the talent or the stamina to do anything similar, so they’ve resorted to crying and complaining and sending out cowardly blind quotes with no names attached. 


“Team Kamala has now reverted back to what Team Biden was known for—a bunch of whiners and complainers with a low-energy candidate unable to engage with the press or media.” – Steven Cheung, Trump Campaign Communications Director


Elon has graciously extended an invite to Kamala to join X Spaces with him. Here are a few questions she should answer:

  • Why did you STEAL President Trump’s policy idea of No Tax on Tips, and why aren’t you actually implementing it now since you’re still part of the Administration?
  • What do you have to say to the families of victims who have suffered under your pro-crime policies that have led to surging crime in major cities in battleground states?
  • It has been close to a month since you announced, so why don’t you have any policy proposals on your website yet? Are you preparing all of your flip-flops before announcing them?