10 Questions Kamala Harris Must Answer

August 16, 2024

1. As Vice President, you cast the tie-breaking votes on the two bills that led to the worst inflation in 40 years-costing the typical American family $28,000 dollars. Do you finally accept that your enormous federal spending under these two pieces of federal legislation has led to historic inflation?


2. If not, how can voters trust you to bring down prices if you do not accept responsibility for causing inflation in the first place, which is leading you to put forward price control proposals?


3. Given that the history of price control policies is to reduce the production and supply of the good or service that is being controlled, are you not concerned that price controls on groceries will lead to widespread food insecurity? This is especially concerning when the sources of the underlying inflation are not being addressed by your policies.  Are we not likely to experience widespread food shortages and food insecurity along with continued high inflation?


4. The Kamala-Biden Net Zero energy policies are leading to the closing of oil, coal, and natural gas power plants across the country-which is leading to skyrocketing energy, electricity, and gasoline prices across the country, further contributing to high prices and inflation.  Will you repudiate your high cost of energy net zero policies in light of persistent high inflation and high energy costs in the economy?  In other words, how do you plan to replace 84 percent of US energy supply without inevitably causing prices to skyrocket?


5. Do you accept any relationship between the housing affordability crisis and the left's radical approach to net zero emission goals and climate change regulations, which is a key driver of high housing prices? 


6. The housing affordability crisis is most acute in Democrat-controlled metropolitan areas like San Francisco and Boston because of absurd building restrictions. Unsurprisingly, these types of cities also have high rates of homelessness. In the 11 metropolitan areas with the most restrictive building requirements, easing regulations and thus decreasing the cost of housing would cause homelessness to drop 31%. To help the homeless secure housing, are you prepared to admonish local Democrat leaders to ease building requirements, cut regulations, ease urban containment boundaries that are a huge contributor to housing prices in those and other metro areas, and lower taxes?


7. Will illegal aliens be eligible to buy or rent one of the housing units you intend to sponsor?


8. You have repeatedly said that "Bidenomics is working" and that you are proud of "Bidenomics." Do you stand by those statements?


9. How will Medicare and Social Security survive if, as you intend, you make millions of low-wage migrants into US citizens and put them onto Medicare and Social Security?


10. How is it good for American Labor to give work permits to 3+ million illegal aliens, as you have done?