FACT CHECK: Walz Fled As Minneapolis Burned

October 01, 2024

Timothy Walz let rioters burn down Minneapolis — then Kamala Harris bailed them out of jail.


Americans will never forget the 2020 “Summer of Love,” when extremists like Timothy Walz looked the other way as rioters ransacked businesses, burned down police stations, and destroyed livelihoods.


Walz — whose response to the chaos was panned as an “inexcusable” failureliterally did nothing for DAYS as rioters pillaged the state’s largest cities, causing $700 million in damage to more than 1,500 businesses and multiple deaths and injuries:

  • Walz “hesitated” to activate the National Guard until it was too late, according to the Democrat mayor of Minneapolis — a hesitation he later described as an unwillingness to seem oppressive.

    • Walz’s daughter tipped off rioters that the National Guard would “not be present tonight,” while Walz’s wife later told local media she left her windows open during the riots so she could “smell” burning tires.

  • As rioters were closing in on the Minneapolis Police Department’s third precinct, Walz ordered officers to “give up” the precinct, according to a sergeant — and by the time the National Guard actually reached Minneapolis, officers had already abandoned the building.

  • A bipartisan investigation found Walz “chose to negotiate with and appease the rioters” rather than restore law and order, ignored multiple verbal and written requests for assistance, and permanently damaged relationships between communities and law enforcement.

  • Walz later said he was “proud” of his inaction and praised the rioters as “rightfully angry at a system that does not serve them.”

  • “Things have gotten so out of control, it is hard to understand,” local media said at the time. “They are refusing to make any kind of statement … We are asking the governor, ‘[What] is the plan here? … This is an abject failure. I just don’t think there is any other way to put it.”

Meanwhile, Kamala proudly raised money for a fund that bailed violent rioters — and eventually now-convicted rapists, murderers, and other criminals — out of jail.


President Donald J. Trump and Senator JD Vance will restore law and order once again.