Trump Campaign Statement on Election Interference from North Carolina’s Democrat-controlled Board of Elections

June 26, 2024

"Throughout this election we have seen Democrats try to engage in blatant election interference because they know they have a flawed candidate in Crooked Joe Biden. We have seen it with the weaponization of the justice system in an effort to take President Trump off the campaign trail and even off the ballot, depriving Americans their Constitutional right to vote for their candidate of choice. Now Democrats in North Carolina are doing the same to game the system to help Biden. The assault on President Trump’s 14th Amendment right of equal protection of the law is equally abhorrent as Democrats continue to shred the very fabric of our country. Those who have engaged in these un-American acts must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and receive the harshest punishment possible so these injustices will never be repeated."


- Steven Cheung, Communications Director