Trump Campaign Memo: Kamala Set Herself up for Tough Debate — It’s a High Bar to Clear

September 09, 2024



TO:                Interested Parties


FROM:          Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles

                      Donald J. Trump for President 2024


DATE:           September 9, 2024


RE:                Kamala Set Herself up for Tough Debate — It’s a High Bar to Clear.


Kamala Harris has yet to do a solo interview or a press conference since she was appointed the Democrat nominee 50 days ago.


The Obama advisors calling the shots at her campaign who advised her to hide for seven weeks have only raised the bar for Kamala tomorrow. By shielding her from the press and insulating her from genuine interactions with the voters, they have set a high bar for Kamala to clear.


Now that her honeymoon is over, the debate will be the first time Kamala will answer tough questions. In doing so, Kamala Harris will be revealed to America as a Radical Left lunatic. 


The high-bar expectations facing Kamala Harris is that for every new idea put forward, Harris has to explain both the damage she’s done to our economy as the sitting Vice President, as well as answer why she hasn’t implemented any of these new plans during the last three and a half years.


As the latest NYT/Siena poll shows, voters say that President Trump will do a better job on the economy, inflation, jobs, immigration — the top issues voters are most concerned with — that’s why President Trump is leading her in their poll. Those poll results underscore that after spending over $250 million on ads over just seven weeks coupled with the most positive stretch of media coverage, Harris and her allies have failed to convince voters that Harris doesn’t own the failures of the last 3.5 years and that she still isn’t the radical liberal who has embraced kooky ideas throughout her career.


Harris said in her one and only interview on CNN that her values haven’t changed. So that means in tomorrow night’s debate, Harris needs to:

  • Square with the voters how if her values haven’t changed, why she is trying to run away from her dangerously liberal record and previous positions.
  • Convince voters to trust her to make their lives more affordable, despite casting the deciding vote on the two key pieces of legislation that even liberal economists say caused the record high inflation they are experiencing.
  • As the chief cheerleader for Bidenomics, she needs to convince voters how Bidenomics is working despite everything being significantly more expensive than under President Trump.
  • And she needs to convince voters that she will actually follow through on her promises when she could have done any of the promises over the past 3.5 years and didn’t.


All in all, an awfully high bar for her to meet in one 90-minute debate.


Read the full memo here.