Top MUST WATCH Moments From Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania

August 17, 2024

President Donald J. Trump just wrapped up remarks before a packed house in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.


Here are the top MUST WATCH moments you missed:

  • President Trump slammed Comrade Kamala Harris's Soviet-style price control scheme: "After causing catastrophic inflation, Comrade Kamala announced that she wants to institute socialist price controls."

  • President Trump doubled down on his commitment to ending Kamala's war on American energy: "On my first day back in the Oval Office, I will immediately sign an executive order directing every cabinet secretary and agency head to use every power we have to drive prices down."

  • President Trump reiterated his NO TAX ON TIPS and NO TAX ON SENIORS' SOCIAL SECURITY pledges: "I will make the Trump Tax Cuts permanent and we will have NO TAX ON TIPS! ... To help seniors on fixed incomes who are suffering the ravages of horrible inflation caused by Crooked Joe and Kamala, there will be no tax on Social Security."

  • President Trump described the horrifying consequences of Kamala Migrant Crime: "The Harris policy is to let thousands of migrant killers and rapists INTO our country."

  • President Trump invited Venezuela-born Daniel Campos, now living in Pennsylvania, on stage to offer a firsthand account of the horrors of communism — which Kamala Harris promises to bring to the U.S.: "When they tell you here, 'it will never happen' — that's not true. We lived it, now here we are ... The only way right now that we can avoid going down that path is making Trump president again."

  • President Trump asked a simple, but powerful, question: "Does anyone here feel richer under Kamala Harris?"