Crooked Biden Recap: The Debate Showed Biden Is A Liar

July 01, 2024

In their clear desperation to gaslight the public after Joe Biden’s devastating debate loss, the Biden campaign is out with a new ad telling one of the biggest lies of all, that Biden “know[s] how to tell the truth.”

If he does, he sure didn’t show it in the debate. He lied the entire time. Check out for the facts.

One lie was particularly heinous. Biden outrageously claimed that he “doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world” on his watch. In reality, 13 U.S. servicemembers were killed during his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal and three U.S. servicemembers were killed in Jordan this year. Our forces were attacked over 160 times in just a matter of months.

Did his staff prep this line? Was this a line he practiced? Does he not remember? Is he trying to deny that these deaths happened?

What a slap in the face to Gold Star families.  What a slap in the face to their friends and families. And this was from a president who claims the Afghanistan withdrawal was a “success,” looked at his watch during their dignified transfer, and has blocked any accountability in his administration or answers for the families.

In an unbiased media environment, every member of the Biden administration would be asked about this repeatedly. Is Biden severely diminished, a flat-out liar, or both?

The debate proved the answer is both. Ultimately, we are witnessing one of the largest political scandals in American history unfold. New reports show the vast and inherent dishonesty of the entire Biden administration – they have known he is diminished for years and launched a coordinated effort to hide it from the public. Limiting access, changing schedules, “cheap fakes”…the list goes on.

“Don’t believe your lying eyes” said the Biden administration. They have been exposed for the liars they are.

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