President Trump’s Post-Debate Bounce

September 18, 2024

A week after his decisive victory in the three-on-one debate, President Donald J. Trump clearly has the momentum. Despite the coordinated Democrat attacks and relentless hoaxes, President Trump remains in a stronger electoral position than ever with just weeks to go until Election Day.


A series of new polls show not only are President Trump's signature policies backed by large swaths of Americans, he's also seeing his highest favorability ratings in years as the stark contrast between the two candidates plays out before voters' eyes.


Here's what you need to know:

  • President Trump's favorability is up five points over last month. According to brand new data from Gallup, President Trump's favorability rating has spiked to its highest in more than four years. Among independent voters, President Trump has a nine-point edge in favorability — while Kamala is underwater by a whopping 25 points.

  • There's "strong support for mass deportations." A new poll from Scripps/Ipsos finds a majority of Americans, including 58% of independent voters, support mass deportations of illegal aliens — a key tenant of President Trump's immigration plan. The poll also finds President Trump with a ten-point advantage over Kamala on who will do a better job handling immigration — a top issue for voters.

  • President Trump maintains his lead in Georgia. According to a brand new poll by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, President Trump holds a three-point lead over Kamala in the key swing state — with Kamala performing "roughly ten points below the mark Democrats aim to hit" among support from her base. Meanwhile, almost two-thirds of Georgia voters say the country is on the wrong track as they rate economic issues the most important of the race.

Those points fall in line with other post-debate data, which found President Trump expanding his lead on economic issues and Kamala failing to impress undecided voters.


President Trump, the best closer in politics, has always been underestimated. Now, as we enter the final stretch, he's better positioned than ever to emerge victorious in November.


Americans know they were better off under President Trump — and they know he'll never stop fighting for them.