Palm Beach Playbook - May 24, 2024

May 24, 2024

May 24, 2024

THE RALLY OF ALL RALLIES IN THE BRONX – That was one for the history books. President Trump’s rally in the Bronx – one of the bluest counties in America – was an unprecedented and massive success. Even CNN admitted it. The crowds were huge and the energy unmatched.

What an indictment of Joe Biden’s divisive, nasty, and tired campaign message; a message meant to stoke fear and to distract from his obvious failures. The Make America Great Again movement is a movement for all Americans. The people from every walk of life that attended the rally yesterday – again, in one of the bluest counties in the nation – proved it.

Let’s see Joe Biden do that in a red county. We won’t hold our breath. For more on the historic rally, click here.

WE REMEMBER AND HONOR THE FALLEN – This Memorial Day weekend, we honor the fallen. We remember those who fought and died so we can live free, and the Gold Star families for whom everyday is Memorial Day. 


In the words of President Trump at Arlington National Cemetery, “Each of the markers on that field — each of the names engraved in stone — teach us what it means to be loyal and faithful and proud and brave and righteous and true. That is why we come to this most sacred place.  That is why we guard these grounds with absolute devotion.  That is why we always will remember. Because here — on this soil, on these grounds, beneath those fields — lies the true source of American greatness, of American glory, and of American freedom. As long as we are blessed with patriots such as these, we shall forever remain one people, one family, and one nation under God.”

“TRUMP STORMS DEEP-BLUE BRONX” – Today’s New York Post cover on the Bronx rally said it best. Check it out.

THE REACTIONS FROM BRONIXTES – Democrats were sure Bronixtes would reject President Trump, and they were completely wrong.


  • “Please accept this Democrat — this Black Puerto Rican … please accept my endorsement,” said Rev. Ruben Diaz, Sr.
  • “I am a Democrat — and I belong here,” said a lifelong resident.
  • “The entire atmosphere was electrifying. There were people from all over the Bronx,” said another.

For more on the reaction from Bronxites, click here.

25,000 PEOPLE – Fox News Digital was on the ground in the Bronx for President Trump’s rally. They saw the excitement and the crowds:


  • “Trump rallied a crowd of what his campaign estimated to be 25,000 supporters at Crotona Park in the Bronx on Thursday, far more than the initial 3,500 it said were expected to attend. Those numbers appeared to also include those lined up outside the event – who waited hours for a shot at getting inside even after the event began.”
  • “The thousands of people gathered to see the former president were a diverse group of people, including what Fox News Digital noted were Black, Hispanic, White, Asian and Muslim supporters.”
  • “Trump was the first Republican presidential candidate to actively campaign for the general election in New York City in decades…. late-arriving Trump fans could be seen sprinting up the hill after making their way through security to try and catch a glimpse of the 45th president.”

To read the full article, click here.


THE FULL RALLY – Didn’t have a chance to watch President Trump’s historic rally in the Bronx? Watch below!

THE PANIC FROM TEAM BIDEN – President Trump went to one of the bluest counties in the country, and 25,000 people, many from right around the corner, came out to support him. All the while, the movement to save this country and Make America Great Again continued to grow!

That’s momentum. That’s a movement. That’s enthusiasm. Joe Biden could never. Joe Biden will never. Cue the panic from Team Biden.

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