Palm Beach Playbook - August 29, 2024

August 29, 2024

August 29, 2024

Contact: Tommy Pigott and Taylor Rogers, Team Trump

“MY VALUES HAVE NOT CHANGED” – Asked about her campaign’s continued effort to lie to the American people about her positions on everything from fracking, to the Green New Deal, to the border, to crime, Kamala Harris responded, “my values have not changed.”

So she’s admitting she’s still as dangerously liberal as ever. Here are some of those “values”:

  • Abolishing ICE
  • Opening the border
  • Defunding the police
  • Releasing violent offenders
  • Eliminating middle-class tax cuts
  • Banning fracking
  • Ending fossil fuel usage
  • Confiscating guns from legal gun owners
  • Taking away the healthcare plans of hundreds of millions of Americans

And that’s just the start.

KAMALA’S INTERVIEW – President Trump previewed Kamala Harris’s interview on CNN during a discussion with the Dail Mail.  Needless to say, Kamala has a lot of questions she needs to answer after hiding for 39 days.

President Trump called her out on her recent (and absurd) lie that she supports building the wall, “Whether she was a czar or just in charge of the border, she was in charge of the worst border in history. I want to know what happened. Why was she doing that? Then I want to know why is she now all of a sudden, two days ago, she said, No, I'd like to build a wall. After all, she was against the wall for 20 years. She fought me on the wall. She was one of the people that fought.”


Tellingly, that’s hardly her only lie. Kamala Harris has been lying about all of her positions, from the Green New Deal, to defund the police, to the elimination of hundreds of millions of Americans’ healthcare plans. These aren’t “flip-flops,” they are lies. As President Trump pointed out: “She doesn't believe in any of this stuff, which tells you, from a character standpoint, it's terrible…I mean, she's so dishonest.”

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz can’t run on their failed record, and they can’t run against President Trump’s unifying agenda. If the last 39 days are any indication, expect more dodges, spin, and lies from the farthest-left presidential ticket in American history.

10 QUESTIONS FOR KAMALA HARRIS – We shared this yesterday, but given Kamala’s track record of hiding from the media, this list of must-answer questions was too important not to share again ahead of Kamala’s interview airing on CNN.

  1. If you are capable of lowering prices for Americans, why haven’t you done it in the 3½ years you have been in office?
  2. You say housing affordability would be a “Day One priority” if you were elected. Why is it not a priority now? Housing isn’t affordable for the average American in 99 percent of the nation.
  3. You co-sponsored Medicare-for-All and the Green New Deal? Do you still support these multi-trillion-dollar takeovers of the American economy?
  4. You talk a lot about “freedom.” What about the freedoms of Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, and Jocelyn Nungaray? These women were killed by illegal immigrants who were let into the country under your watch.
  5. President Trump didn't need a “border bill” to secure the border. Why did you support executive actions like stopping construction of the border wall and halting deportations that intentionally unsecured the border?
  6. Trump was the first president in decades to start no new wars. Under your watch, wars are popping up in Europe and the Middle East. Why is that?
  7. Why did you conceal Joe Biden's cognitive decline from the American people?
  8. You supported the Defund the Police movement and have said that more police doesn’t mean more safety. Why do you want fewer police officers?
  9. You’ve called for getting rid of cash bail and your campaign hasn’t backed away from it. Why do you still support such a radical view?
  10. You have sent anonymous aides out to claim you've abandoned the radically liberal positions that you've held for decades. Do you think lying to the American people is the best strategy?

And those questions are the bare minimum. There is a lot more that Kamala Harris needs to answer for. Her problem? Her failed, weak, and dangerously liberal record is indefensible.

KAMALA THE CHRONIC LIAR – Kamala Harris lied about her prosecutorial record over two decades ago – and she’s still lying to this day. Listen for yourself.

Kamala is trying to run as a tough-on-crime prosecutor – but in reality, she is a defund-the-police radical who has undermined law enforcement at every opportunity while letting violent criminals off the hook. For safe streets, vote for President Trump!

$150 BILLION IN A SINGLE YEAR – Kamala’s border invasion is costing taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars.

Per the New York Post:

  • “Last year, US taxpayers shelled out some $150 billion in government services and support to help the 20 million illegal migrants in the country.”
  • “Half of US states were estimated to have shelled out in excess of $100 million, while the bill for 19 reaches well over $1 billion. California led the country with expenses of nearly $31 billion.”

Read the full article here.

#IMNOTWITHHER – As first reported by NBC News, the Trump Campaign released a new video featuring, "Black women who plan to vote for him as he tries to make inroads with a key part of Vice President Kamala Harris' base.”


"The video, titled 'I’m Not With Her' and shared first with NBC News, includes more than a dozen Black women, including several from battleground states, expressing their opposition to Harris, with some framing the Democratic presidential nominee as being out of touch with Black voters." Watch the video here.

KAMALA VS. THE AMERICAN DREAM – Kamala claims she cares about housing prices, but her Kamalanomics policies have priced millions of Americans out of the American Dream. Watch the video here.

SILENCE FROM KAMALA – It has been a year since Rachel Morin was murdered, and there has been nothing but silence from Kamala Harris.

As reported by Fox News:

  • “The family of Rachel Morin, the Maryland mother of five who was brutally attacked and murdered, allegedly by an illegal immigrant from El Salvador, in August 2023, slammed the Biden administration for a ‘lack of compassion’ over their daughter's death.” 
  • “In a statement from Randolph Rice, the Morin family's spokesperson, the family expressed ‘deep’ disappointment in the Biden administration, including President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, for its ‘lack of acknowledgment and compassion’ for their beloved family member.”
  • “The family noted Wednesday marked 75 days since Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, the 23-year-old illegal immigrant from El Salvador who allegedly murdered the 37-year-old, had been arrested in Tulsa, Oklahoma.”
  • “‘The Morin family is deeply disappointed by the lack of acknowledgment and compassion from President Biden and his administration,’ they said. ‘It has been 75 days since Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez, an illegal immigrant who slipped across our nation’s border multiple times, was captured. Yet, there has been no word from the White House.’”

There is a migrant crime epidemic across the country because Kamala Harris has allowed cartels and gangs to freely cross the border, released unvetted illegal aliens directly into our communities, and refuses to back the enforcement necessary to solve this crisis.

President Trump will end this national nightmare starting on Day One. Go to for more information.

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