Agenda47: President Trump Announces Plan to End Crime and Restore Law and Order
February 20, 2023
Mar-a-Lago, FL—President Donald J. Trump unveiled his new plan to stop out-of-control crime and keep all Americans safe. In his first term, President Trump reduced violent crime and stood strongly with America’s law enforcement. On Joe Biden’s watch, violent crime has skyrocketed and communities have become less safe as he defunded, defamed, and dismantled police forces.

Watch President Trump’s plan to end crime, and restore law and order in America.
“Joe Biden and the ‘Defund the Police’ Democrats have turned our once great cities into cesspools of bloodshed and crime,” President Trump said.
President Trump’s Plan to Keep American Communities Safe
1. President Trump will sign a record investment in hiring, retention, and training for police officers. The bill will increase vital liability protections for America’s law enforcement officers.
2. President Trump will require local law enforcement agencies receiving DOJ grants to return to proven policing measures such as stop-and-frisk, strictly enforcing existing gun laws, cracking down on the open use of illegal drugs, and cooperating with ICE to arrest and deport criminal aliens.
3. President Trump will take on the radical Marxist prosecutors who have abolished cash bail and refuse to charge criminals. President Trump will direct the DOJ to open civil rights investigations into radical leftist prosecutor’s officers, such as those in Chicago, Los Angeles, and San Francisco to determine whether they have illegally engaged in race-based law enforcement.
4. President Trump will instruct the Department of Justice to dismantle every gang, street crew, and drug network in America. President Trump has also called for the death penalty for drug dealers and human traffickers.
5. President Trump has committed to deploying federal assets, including the National Guard, to restore law and order when local law enforcement refuses to act.
6. President Trump will order the Education and Justice Departments to overhaul federal standards on disciplining minors.
7. Finally, President Trump will sign concealed carry reciprocity legislation, fully secure the border, dramatically increase interior enforcement, and wage war on the cartels.
Joe Biden and the ‘Defund the Police’ Democrats have turned our once great cities into cesspools of bloodshed and crime. There's never been anything like it. Here's my plan to restore law and order in our cities and throughout our country, frankly.
First, because police forces have been gutted by Democrats’ war on police, I will sign a record investment in hiring, retention and training for police officers nationwide. So important.
This bill will also increase vital liability protections for officers because the Democrats want to take those protections away from our police, because we want them to do their jobs, and we want them to do their jobs right. You can't take their protections away if you're going to have them do their jobs properly.
Second, to qualify for this new funding and all other Justice Department grants, I will insist that local jurisdictions return to proven common sense policing measures, such as stop and frisk— very simple—you stop them and you frisk them, strictly enforcing existing gun laws against convicted felons, cracking down on the open use of illegal drugs, and cooperating with ICE to get criminal aliens off our streets and get them out of our country.
Third, we will go after the radical Marxist prosecutors who are abolishing cash bail, refusing to charge crimes, and surrendering our cities to violent criminals. They have surrendered like never before. I will direct the DOJ to open civil rights investigations into radical left prosecutor’s offices, such as those in Chicago, L.A., and San Francisco to determine whether they have illegally engaged in race-based enforcement of the law.
I will also work with Congress to give the victims of their Marxist policies the right to sue local officials for harm and suffering, and it has been great that they have caused. If your small business is pillaged because shoplifting goes unpunished, if you're brutally attacked by a violent felon released without bail or bond, then you will be entitled to massive damages.
Fourth, I will order the Department of Justice or as some people call it the ‘Department of injustice’ right now and Homeland Security to dismantle every gang, street crew, and drug network in America. Every single one of them will be dismantled.
We already know where these turf wars and drug dens are. We know who the people are. And we're going to charge them and charge the culprits with every crime that we can find. We're going to be fair, but we're going to be tough. We also need the death penalty for drug dealers, so important. And I'd also add to that human traffickers. Drug dealers and human traffickers. They get the death penalty, watch it stop and stop quickly.
Fifth, in cities where there has been a complete breakdown of law and order, where the fundamental rights of our citizens are being intolerably violated, I will not hesitate to send in federal assets including the National Guard until safety is restored.
If Nancy Pelosi would have accepted our National Guard or our soldiers, you wouldn't have had January 6, but she and the mayor of D.C. didn't do that.
Sixth, we will end the leftist takeover of school discipline and juvenile justice. Many of these carjackers and criminals are 13, 14, and 15 years old. I will order the Education and Justice Departments to overhaul federal standards on disciplining minors. So, when troubled youth are out of control, they're out on the streets and they're going wild, we will stop it. The consequences are swift, certain and strong and they will know that.
Seventh, they will protect the right of self-defense everywhere it is under siege. And I will sign concealed carry reciprocity. Your Second Amendment does not end at the state line. In addition, I will of course fully secure the border, dramatically increase interior enforcement, and wage war on the cartels.
We have never had a border so secure as it was just two years ago. And now our border is the worst anywhere in the world, and possibly of all time. There’s never been a country that allowed to happen what's happening in the United States right now, where millions of people are pouring across our borders. They come from mental institutions. They come from the prisons. They’re all being led out so they can come into the United States. They’re poisoning our country.
We will also take back our streets from the homeless, the drug addicted, and the mentally ill. I will discuss those plans in much more detail very soon. That is how I will bring back public safety to America. I want to thank you. We're going to Make America Great Again and we're going to Make America Safe Again. Thank you.