Palm Beach Playbook - September 11, 2024

September 11, 2024

September 11, 2024

Contact: Tommy Pigott and Taylor Rogers, Team Trump

REMEMBERING 9/11 – We remember and honor those killed in the September 11 terrorist attacks. We will never forget.

Today, President Trump attended a commemoration ceremony at Ground Zero in New York and a wreath laying ceremony in Shanksville. He and Sen. JD Vance also greeted firefighters at FDNY Engine 4 Tower Ladder 15 to remember the brave firefighters who ran towards danger to save their fellow Americans.

PRESIDENT TRUMP’S DEBATE VICTORY – The verdict is in: President Trump was the clear winner of last night’s debate. He was the indisputable victory despite a disgraceful three-on-one format.

If you missed the debate, Team Trump has you covered.

Kamala Harris told lie after lie after lie:

  • Kamala falsely claimed “not one member of the United States in active duty in a combat zone.”
  • Kamala falsely claimed she does not support a government takeover of health care (she does).
  • Kamala denied she supports a fracking ban (she does) and mandatory gun confiscation (she does).
  • Kamala said “that's not true” when President Trump highlighted her support for defunding the police – which she has repeatedly called to do.
  • Kamala denied she raised money to bail violent rioters out of jail – but her tweet is literally still up.
  • Kamala falsely claimed President Trump supports “Project 2025” – despite the fact that he has never been involved.
  • Kamala falsely claimed Tim Walz didn't legalize abortion-on-demand until birth in Minnesota – which is exactly what he did.
  • Kamala claimed President Trump supports a national abortion ban (he doesn't) and wants to ban IVF (he doesn't).
  • Kamala resurrected the Charlottesville hoax, which fact-checkers have repeatedly debunked.

Here's what Kamala couldn't explain:

  • Why she let 20 million illegal aliens invade the country.
  • Why she destroyed the economy and drove up inflation.
  • Why she supports radical, ninth-month abortion-on-demand.
  • Why she destroyed the country with weak-on-crime policies.
  • Why she was fully on board with the gross incompetence of the Afghanistan withdrawal that left 13 U.S. service members dead.

One thing she said was true: Her Radical Left values “have not changed.”

Americans know the country has fallen dramatically off course under Kamala Harris – and President Trump is the only candidate who can fix it.

NOT BETTER OFF – Kamala Harris was asked a direct question during last night’s debate: “When it comes to the economy, do you believe Americans are better off than they were four years ago?”

She didn’t answer yes because she couldn’t answer yes. Americans aren’t better off, and even liberal economists admit that Kamalanomics is to blame. This reality was reaffirmed by new consumer prices data released today, showing that American families are still being hammered by Kamala’s price hikes, even as hundreds of previously reported jobs go up in smoke.

Here are the price increases since Kamala took office.

  • Overall: +20.3%
  • Gas: +46.1%
  • Electricity: +30.7%
  • Fuel oil: +43.4%
  • Airfare: +21%
  • Hotels: +49.4%
  • Groceries: +21.5%
  • Baby food: +29.5%
  • K-12 food: +66.2%
  • Rent: +22.5%
  • Transportation: +32%
  • Car insurance: +54.9%

These price hikes have devastated the finances of American families:

  • Under Kamala, real average weekly earnings are down 3.4%. They increased 8.2% under President Trump.
  • Household debt is at a record $17.69 trillion while credit debt has exceeded $1 trillion.
  • Seriously overdue credit card debt is at its highest level in more than a decade.
  • In fact, Kamalanomics has cost the average middle-class household at least $33,000 in real wealth.

In yesterday’s debate, Kamala essentially admitted that Americans are not better off after almost 4 years with her as vice president. To restore American prosperity, vote for President Trump!

KAMALA VS. UNDECIDED VOTERS – Team Trump is out with must-read analysis showing that Kamala Harris did nothing to win over undecided voters. In fact, just the opposite. Check it out below:


The New York Times reported Wednesday that Kamala Harris failed to convince undecided voters that she's any different from Joe Biden.

The Times reported that undecided voters said Kamala “did not seem much different from Mr. Biden, and they wanted change.”

One voter said, “She didn’t, kind of, separate herself” and said she was “still on the fence.”

One black woman in Milwaukee told the Times, “Trump’s pitch was a little more convincing than hers.” She added, “When Trump was in office – not going to lie – I was living way better. I’ve never been so down as in the past four years. It’s been so hard for me.”

A voter in Arizona told the Times, “Trump had the more commanding presentation. There was nothing done by Harris that made me think she’s better. In any way.”

Likewise, Reuters reported: “Reuters interviewed 10 people who were still unsure how they were going to vote in the Nov. 5 election before they watched the debate. Six said afterward they would now either vote for Trump or were leaning toward backing him.”

Reuters found that the “Trump converts said they trusted him more on the economy” as they “said their personal financial situation had been better when he was president between 2017-2021.”

Voters told Reuters that “Harris did not convince them she would pursue different economic policies than Democratic President Joe Biden, a Democrat they largely blame for the high cost of living.”

One voter said, “I still don't know what she is for. There was no real meat and bones for her plans.”

The New York Times and Reuters stories follow CNN's flash poll showing that the margin of voters who trust President Trump over Kamala on the economy grew after the debate. CNN: “Voters who tuned in gave Trump a 20-point advantage over Harris after the debate on handling the economy, 55% to 35% – a margin that’s slightly wider than his pre-debate edge.”

Even ABC's Rachel Scott noted after the debate that “Kamala Harris did not do a good job today explaining her policy.”

KAMALA WILL BAN FRACKING – Don’t be fooled, Kamala Harris will ban fracking. She said so herself, repeatedly. Click here to watch the video.

WHY HASN’T SHE DONE IT? – Kamala Harris’s promises are empty. She is in the administration now. If she wants to solve the crises she’s created, why hasn’t she done it already? Click here to watch the video.

THE RAPID RESPONSE – Team Trump Rapid Response had the facts as Kamala Harris attempted to dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge through last night’s debate.


Click below to get all the information you need:

  • FACT CHECK: Yes, Kamala Owns The Harris-Biden Economic Failure
  • FACT CHECK: Kamala’s “Values Have Not Changed”
  • FACT CHECK: Harris-Walz, Democrats Are The Real Abortion Extremists
  • FACT CHECK: Harris-Biden’s Unilateral Student Loan Bailout Is Vote-Buying Scheme For Liberal Elites
  • FACT CHECK: Border Czar Kamala Owns The Invasion She Created
  • FACT CHECK: Mass Amnesty Wouldn’t Have Solved Kamala’s Border Crisis
  • FACT CHECK: Kamala’s Crime Spin Is NOT Reality
  • FACT CHECK: The Costs Of Kamala Harris
  • FACT CHECK: Kamala *Already* Raised Taxes – And She’ll Do It Again
  • FACT CHECK: Kamala Has Brought Us To The Brink Of WWIII
  • FACT CHECK: Harris-Walz’s NO GROWTH Energy Future
  • FACT CHECK: Harris EV Mandate Would Be A Bloodbath

TRUMP GAINS ON THE ECONOMY – After the debate, President Trump grew his lead on who voters believe would better handle the economy!

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Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President 2024