Crooked Biden Recap: Millions Wasted On Dishonesty

June 17, 2024

Crooked Joe Biden has a problem. After Biden's failing campaign spent nearly $80 million in media buys, he continues to plummet in the polls.  

Far from correcting this trend, Biden’s latest ad is bizarrely on the Democrats’ weaponization of the justice system against President Trump. The ad essentially admits, again, that the Biden sham trials are about election interference. According to data outlined by pollster Tony Fabrizio, “voters in our key target states have already made up their minds on this trial. Most voters…believe the case is politically motivated.”

In fact, as Biden spends millions on the airways, President Trump is leading in every key battleground state, surging in blue states link Minnesota and Virginia, and winning independents by double digits. Talk about pouring money down the drain. Meanwhile, Biden’s approval rating is at record lows in several polls and is consistently at its lowest levels in two years. Biden’s troubles extend to traditionally Democrat constituencies. His support among Black Americans has dropped 16 points since 2020; while President Trump, as even CNN admits, is “careening towards a historic performance” with Black voters.

The ads aren’t working because they are dishonest. Biden’s message can be summarized in one line: “Don’t believe your lying eyes.” That might work in a room full of Hollywood limousine liberals, but voters know better.

As top Trump campaign advisors Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles broke down in a recent memo, this election is about Crooked Joe Biden’s weakness, failures, and dishonesty – a track record we will be highlighting in a new series every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in addition to our 24/7, across-the-board, pedal-to-the-metal operation to hold Biden accountable.

American’s don’t want more dishonest ads from Joe Biden. They want the fairness, economic opportunity, energy independence, historic peace agreements, and secure border we had under President Trump. Americans want to Make America Great Again!

Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President 2024