Palm Beach Playbook - October 17, 2024

October 17, 2024

October 17, 2024

Contact: Tommy Pigott and Taylor Rogers, Team Trump

THE UNIVISION TOWN HALL – Yesterday, President Trump took part in a must-watch town hall on Univision, where he talked about the border, energy, the economy, and much more!

As we explained in yesterday’s edition, Hispanic Americans saw unprecedented prosperity under President Trump. When he is elected back to the White House, he will restore the American Dream for all Americans!

TOTAL, UNMITIGATED DISASTER – Kamala Harris had her first non-softball interview of her vice presidency yesterday – and calling it a “complete and total disaster” would be the understatement of the year.


Team Trump has what you missed:

  • Kamala refused to apologize to the families of Jocelyn Nungaray, Rachel Morin, and Laken Riley – American citizens brutally murdered by illegals she let into the country: “Those are tragic cases.”
  • Kamala couldn't (or wouldn't) say how many illegal aliens she has released into the country: “It is a topic of discussion that people want to rightly have.”
  • Kamala wouldn't disavow her support of driver's licenses, free college tuition, and free health care for illegal immigrants: “We will support and enforce federal law.”
  • Kamala defended handing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran and its proxies: “Let's go back to Donald Trump.”
  • Kamala abdicated responsibility for covering up Biden's cognitive decline and lying about it: “He has the judgment and the experience to do what he has done.”
  • Kamala wouldn't say when — if ever — she realized her border crisis was, in fact, a crisis: “Let's all be honest about that. I have no pride in saying that this is a perfect immigration system. I have been clear – I think we all are!”
  • Kamala declined to address her support of taxpayer-funded sex change surgeries for prisoners and illegal aliens: “That ad from the Trump campaign is a little bit like throwing stones when you live in a glass house.”
  • Kamala attempted to blame her border crisis on President Trump because he opposed her mass amnesty bill: “This is rightly a discussion that the American people want to have.”
  • Kamala dodged the incompatibility of her claim she is "turning the page" when she is currently in office: “And Donald Trump has been running for office!”
  • Kamala had no answer for why, if President Trump is as bad as she claims, he's beating her in the polls: “It's not supposed to be easy.”

There’s a reason Kamala's handlers desperately wanted the interview to end: it was an abject disaster. Kamala, please keep these interviews coming. Click here for more information or to share.

AL SMITH DINNER – Tonight, Kamala Harris will become the second ever major party candidate to boycott the Al Smith dinner benefitting Catholic Charities. A few weeks ago, President Trump called her out on Truth Social.

HAPPENED UNDER KAMALA – You should know the facts because Kamala Harris lied about the first sex change surgeries for federal inmates during her interview on Fox News.

The first sex change surgery of a federal inmate occurred in 2022 under Kamala Harris. 

The ACLU announced in 2022: “Cristina Nichole Iglesias will become the first person to receive gender-affirming surgery while in federal custody under a landmark settlement agreement approved on Tuesday by a federal court in Illinois. The settlement between Ms. Iglesias and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) successfully ends a years-long battle for Ms. Iglesias, a transgender woman who filed suit in 2019 after BOP repeatedly denied her requests for medically necessary gender-affirming healthcare... In the settlement agreement, BOP confirmed that it has never before provided any gender-affirming surgery to an individual in federal custody.”

Additionally, Kamala Harris told the ACLU that she supports taxpayer funded sex change surgeries for inmates and illegal immigrants. Harris also said in a 2019 interview that she worked “behind the scenes” to make sure “every” inmate has access to sex change surgeries. Click here for more information or to share.

GREEN NEW SCAM – In an interview with WTAE-TV in Pittsburgh, Tim Walz just declared “no,” the multi-trillion-dollar so-called “Green New Deal” should not be “scrapped.”

They're not even trying to hide their lunacy anymore.

The Green New Scam is a socialist, job-killing nightmare – a $93 trillion Trojan horse for the Radical Left's most extreme policies. It would kill hundreds of thousands of jobs, end America's fossil fuels industry, ban red meat consumption, end offshore drilling, hike taxes, eliminate gas-powered vehicles, and cost the average family hundreds of thousands of dollars over a four-year term.

Of course, Kamala is *also* a big supporter of the Green New Scam. She was the first 2020 candidate to endorse the socialist scheme – and even co-sponsored the bill in Congress, calling her version the “most aggressive and progressive” and stressing the importance of its radical ideals.

That's only the beginning of the Harris-Walz no-growth energy agenda. Click here for more information or to share.

“A TREN DE ARAGUA WAR ZONE” – Cindy Romero, a former resident of Aurora, penned a recent op-ed as Kamala Harris and the fake news media continue to ignore the consequences of Kamala’s open border policies.


From the op-ed:

  • “I never thought that I would fear for my life in my own home until it happened this year. In 2023, I began to notice significant changes in my apartment complex in Aurora, Colo., less than 20 miles from the sanctuary city of Denver. Local media have since reported that officials began busing illegal Venezuelan migrants into the area in December 2022 – but no one told us.”
  • “Members of Tren de Aragua — a vicious Venezuelan prison gang that has brought sex trafficking and violent crime into communities across our country – began patrolling my apartment building with guns, beating down doors and demanding keys from my neighbors.” 
  • “Then they took over units in my building floor by floor. They started changing the locks on our buildings; in some cases, they even changed the doors. They would pull people over at gunpoint in the parking lot. I tried to get law enforcement to intervene, but they told me their hands were tied. I soon became the last leaseholder in my building.”
  • “Democrats talk on and on about elevating lived experiences, but what about my experiences and those of my neighbors? I have been a lifelong Democrat. But my party doesn’t want anyone to expose the truth: Vice President Kamala Harris’ policies have unleashed a wave of terror, violence and death in small communities across the country. The Democrats turned their backs on me.”
  • “Kamala Harris can lie about her record and pretend to care about my safety all she wants, but the reality is that four more years of Harris would only mean more violence, more chaos and more destruction at the hands of gangs and other foreign criminals who want to destroy our country from within. Deny it at your own risk. You could be next.”

Read the full op-ed here.

“STUDIED THE MAPS” – Yahya Sinwar – the Hamas leader responsible for the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust – was killed by Israeli forces today in Rafah. In March, Kamala said an Israeli offensive in Rafah would be a “huge mistake” because she “studied the maps.” Watch the video here.

KAMALA THINKS YOU'RE STUPID – Kamala said she would never call Americans “stupid.” Actually, she did. Watch the video here.

TEAM TRUMP’S NEWEST AD – Missed Kamala’s disastrous interview on Fox News? Watch it here.

NORTH CAROLINA EARLY VOTING – Voting is underway in North Carolina! Make your plan to vote now at

EI UPDATE – President Trump’s election integrity program at the RNC is dedicated to securing a fair and transparent election. Here are some of the latest updates.


The RNC fights non-citizen voting in Maine The RNC and Maine GOP immediately responded to reports of non-citizens interfering in Maine's elections. They are demanding answers from Democrat Secretary of State Shenna Bellows and removal of non-citizens from the voter rolls.

The details:

  • recent article claims that non-citizens have voted in past Maine elections and are able to do so again this year.
  • State law only permits United States citizens to cast a vote in any election. If proven true, these violations compromise Maine’s registration and voting processes, and election integrity in the state.
  • This is just the latest effort by the RNC to stop non-citizen voting, which threatens to jeopardize our elections. The RNC successfully stopped non-citizen voting in New York City; sued Burlington, Vermont for allowing non-citizens to vote and influence statewide issues; sued Nevada for allowing non-citizens to remain on the rolls and potentially vote this election; and won a major victory in the Supreme Court to stop non-citizen voting in Arizona.

RNC sues Detroit for deleting drop box surveillance footage – The RNC sued the City of Detroit Department of Elections for deleting drop box surveillance footage after they had requested it – violating the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and raising serious election integrity alarms.

The details:

  • On August 20, 2024, the RNC submitted a FOIA request for drop box video surveillance footage after being alerted to a potential election integrity concern during the primary election. The RNC requested the footage from August 7th and 8th to verify the situation.
  • Detroit immediately acknowledged our request on August 21st and asked for an extension to produce the footage. Then on September 16th, the RNC received a response, letting them know that the footage was “automatically” deleted after 30 days.
  • Deleting footage that is the subject of a pending FOIA request – submitted more than two weeks before the footage was deleted – is a clear violation of FOIA. Detroit had a clear legal obligation to preserve and provide the footage, which they violated.
  • The RNC is suing to hold the city accountable for its failure to maintain drop box footage while FOIA requests are pending and to ensure this does not happen for the general election.
  • President Trump’s election integrity operation is combating these continuous acts of election interference.

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Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President 2024