FREAKISH WALZ ???? COMRADE KAMALA — Perfect Together, Wrong For America

August 21, 2024

Tonight, Freakish Tim Walz will headline the DNC in Chicago — where he’ll outline the Harris-Walz vision to “finish the job” of destroying our country.


In that respect, Walz is the perfect choice for Kamala’s number two. He’s a fellow Radical Left lunatic whose dangerous ideology has ravaged everything it has ever touched.


As governor of Minnesota, Walz transformed the state into a third-world refuge for the Radical Left’s most deranged lunacy:

  • Walz signed legislation giving illegal aliens free (taxpayer-funded) health carecollege, and driver's licenses.
  • Walz presided over a massive uptick in crime — with overall crime up 30% and violent homicides up 71% during his tenure — as the ranks of law enforcement declined.
  • Walz enshrined into law unrestricted abortion-on-demand until birth and stripped away the right of newborn babies to receive lifesaving care.
  • Walz opened a new state office entirely dedicated to “supporting immigrant and refugee integration” in his sanctuary state.
  • Walz required public schools to stock menstrual products in boys' bathrooms.
  • Walz allowed leftist rioters to burn Minneapolis to the ground (who Kamala then bailed out), directed police to surrender their precinct, stalled deploying the National Guard , and excused the riots as what happens when society “does not put equity and inclusion at the center.”
  • Walz backed voting rights for convicted felons, including violent criminals.
  • Walz signed a bill to lessen criminal penalties, expunge criminal convictions, and reopen felony murder sentences.
  • Walz allowed criminals to walk free, such as a woman who drowned her own baby and a Bloods gang member who killed an 11-year-old girl, then was arrested just months after his release.
  • Walz backed "alternatives to policing" during the Defund the Police movement.
  • Walz mandated an end to all carbon-producing energy in Minnesota by 2040, which could cost the state $340 billion and lead to rolling blackouts.
  • Walz pushed a California-style ban on gas-powered vehicles.
  • Walz opposed a critical oil pipeline because it lacked a "social permit."
  • Walz proposed a "low carbon fuel standard," which is another tax on consumers.
  • Walz raised billions in new taxes amid a budget surplus (and wanted to raise them even more).
  • Walz signed an order to allow minors of any age to receive gender reassignment surgeries without guidance from their parent or guardian — and signed legislation to strip custody away from parents who don’t consent.
  • Walz discharged COVID-positive patients to long-term care facilities, which were decimated with among the highest death rates in the nation.
  • Walz defended his forced school lockdowns and masking, even after they were shown to be ineffective — then laughed at citizens who dared to criticize him.
  • Walz implemented a snitch line for neighbors to rat each other out for violating his tyrannical COVID orders.
  • Walz signed legislation redefining “sexual orientation” to include pedophiles.
  • Walz oversaw a $250 million COVID fraud scheme — the largest COVID-era fraud in the country — that hinged on the incompetence of his own executive branch.
  • Walz imposed a 95% tax on tobacco products, including Zyn.
  • Under Walz, manufacturers have shut down factories and foundries due to the high electricity costs — killing American jobs.

Walz is also a chronic liar whose falsehoods have marred his entire career:

  • Walz lied about his own National Guard service, in which he abandoned his unit just as they were deployed to Iraq, repeatedly used a rank he didn’t earn, and falsely claimed he used “weapons of war” in combat.
  • Walz lied about his relationship with a Hitler-promoting cleric.
  • Walz lied about being drunk (among other details) during his 1995 DUI arrest.
  • Walz lied about how his own children were conceived in order to push another lie about his political opponents.
  • Walz lied about the 2020 Summer of Love riots being done by people from “outside” Minnesota.
  • Walz lied that “over 80%” of Minnesota students missing “less than 10 days of in-class learning” during his prolonged COVID lockdowns.
  • Walz lied about releasing an “after-action report” on his COVID mismanagement.
  • Walz lied to reporters about negotiating legislation with state legislators.
  • Walz lied about his political opponents — repeatedly. 

By picking Walz, Kamala has doubled down on her Radical Left fantasy — and demonstrated the severe lack of judgment that has defined her career:

  • Walz fully supports "sanctuary cities" and "sanctuary states."
  • Walz backs mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens — setting them on the path to full-fledged citizenship and the benefits that come with it.
  • Walz refuses to call Kamala's unprecedented border invasion a "crisis."
  • Walz opposes border security, such as President Trump's border wall.
  • Walz wants to provide "ladder[s]" to aid illegal immigrants in scaling the border wall.
  • Walz compares ICE raids to "terrorism."
  • Walz thinks voter ID and voter integrity laws as solutions "looking for a problem."
  • Walz opposes fracking.
  • Walz praised defunding the police.
  • Walz thinks "one person's socialism is another person's neighborliness."
  • Walz opposes restricting sexually explicit and pornographic content from elementary schools.
  • Walz thinks it's "insane" to be upset at partnering with a satanic designer to promote transgender products for kids.
  • Walz covered up Biden's obvious cognitive decline.
  • Walz has repeatedly praised communist China, taking dozens of trips to the communist country and saying the U.S. shouldn't have an "adversarial relationship" with them.
  • Walz smeared President Trump's supporters as "fascists," just days after the assassination attempt against him.
  • Walz claimed there’s “no guarantee to free speech on misinformation.”
  • Walz smeared rural America as "mostly rocks and cows."
  • Walz apologized for supporting added screening on Syrian refugees.
  • Walz says he’s “more than happy” to be called a “big government liberal.”
  • Walz surrounds himself with the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-CortezIlhan Omar, and Keith Ellison.

One thing is clear: the Harris-Walz vision for the country is one in which the chaos, destruction, economic insecurity, and global danger that has defined the Harris-Biden administration is etched into permanency as they use the country as a test case for their communist insanity.


While Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will always prioritize the Radical Left, President Donald J. Trump will always put America First.