Harris Failure Fridays: Kamala Failed Record vs. President Trump’s Vision

September 06, 2024

Contact: Tommy Pigott and Eric Leyden, Team Trump

Another week has gone by with Kamala Harris hiding her policies from the press and the American people. She can’t hide her failed record on the economy, however. Americans are living through it. Today’s jobs report sent the recession alarm bells ringing once again, as job growth slows and industries like manufacturing lost jobs. (Team Trump Rapid Response has the full breakdown of today’s report here).

While Kamala Harris offers nothing but four more years of economic misery, President Trump has put out an economic plan to Make America Affordable again: keep taxes low, unleash American energy, cut regulations, prioritize efficiency, reduce spending, and make housing more affordable.

Here is how President Trump’s plan compares to Kamala’s failed record:

  • American Energy: “First, I will end Kamala Harris’s anti-energy crusade, and implement a policy of Energy Abundance, Energy Independence, and Energy Dominance. My plan will cut energy prices in half or more within 12 months of taking office. It will be an economic revival of our country like never seen before.”
    • Kamala’s Failed Record: Kamala Harris has long hindered American energy production. On day one in office, the Harris-Biden administration shut down the Keystone XL pipeline and forced energy production to a grinding halt. Kamala wants to “finally [put] an end to fracking once and for all” because, in her words, “there’s no question [she’s] in favor of banning fracking.”
  • Ending the Green New Deal:“My plan will terminate the Green New Deal, which I call the Green New Scam, and rescind all unspent funds under the misnamed ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’…I will end the electric vehicle mandate, stop the appalling waste, and save taxpayers an estimated $1 trillion dollars.
    • Kamala’s Failed Record: Kamala co-sponsored the radical $93 trillion Green New Scam that would cost the average American household hundreds of thousands. The Harris-Biden administration spent $7.5 billion dollars to build just 8 charging stations for electric vehicles, and Kamala refuses to walk away from her support for banning the manufacture of gas-powered vehicles.
  • Cutting Regulations: “I will launch a historic campaign to liberate our economy from crippling regulation…I am pledging today that in my second term, we will eliminate a minimum of ten old regulations for every one new regulation.”
    • Kamala’s Failed Record: Over the past four years, Kamala has added as much as $6,300/year in new regulatory costs onto the backs of every American family.
  • Prioritizing Efficiency: “I will create a Government Efficiency Commission tasked with conducting a complete financial and performance audit of the entire federal government — and making recommendations for drastic reforms."
    • Kamala’s Failed Record: Kamala Harris has overseen hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars going to waste while in office.
  • Lowering Taxes: “My plan is to make the Trump Tax Cuts permanent…and to cut taxes even more, and we will have no tax on tips…and no tax on Social Security Benefits.”
    • Kamala’s Failed Record: Kamala Harris promised to repeal President Trump’s tax cuts that have saved American families thousands and she has proposed at least $5 trillion in new tax hikes.

And that’s just the start. President Trump will embrace the industries of the future, including making America the world-capital for Bitcoin and crypto; he will make America the manufacturing superpower of the world once again; he will make housing affordable again; and he will create America's own Sovereign Wealth fund to invest in great national endeavors for the benefit of all Americans.

On one hand, you have Kamala Harris, who has a failed record of destroying everything she touches. And on the other hand, you have President Trump, who has proven he can give America a robust thriving economy and has a clear plan on how to do it again. The choice is clear.

For more on President Trump’s economic plan, click here.

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