DNC ROUNDUP: Most Outrageous Moments From Day Four

August 23, 2024

The DNC in Chicago has mercifully drawn to a close, but not before another night of zero substance.


Democrats finally concluded their convention in Chicago, which culminated in remarks by Kamala Harris devoid of any solutions for the chaos and destruction she has brought the American people over the past four years.


Instead, Kamala's speech was a clinic in gaslighting — a desperate attempt to convince Americans she is anything but the Radical Left lunatic who has spent the past four years destroying the country.


Here are the most radical, extreme, and outrageous moments from day three of the DNC disaster:

  • Kamala eulogized Crooked Joe Biden — whose decline she spent years covering up.
  • Kamala claimed she understands the "importance" of border security, even after she opened the border and invited millions of illegal aliens to invade our communities and brutalize our citizens.
  • Kamala called for MASS AMNESTY for millions of illegal aliens, including those who were already deported — giving them welfare, health care, voting rights, and entitlements.
  • Kamala talked a lot about herself, but didn't say a word about the innocent victims of the border crisis she created.
  • Kamala claimed she "fought" the cartels after she allowed the cartels to wage war on America and ravage our communities with deadly drugs.
  • Kamala scolded Americans for "talking about how terrible everything is," while Americans are unable to afford food, gas, rent, and groceries in the Kamala economy.
  • Kamala bragged about failing to prevent Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
  • Kamala called for an "opportunity economy" where "everyone has the chance to succeed" — except Rachel Morin, Jocelyn Nungaray, and Laken Riley, and so many other innocent Americans who will never get that chance due to her open border policies.
  • Kamala claimed she'd be tough on Iran — after enriching Iran and its proxies with tens of billions of dollars as they attacked our troops and allies.
  • Kamala lied about wanting to raise trillions in new taxes by enacting her communist delusions.
  • Kamala lied about President Trump, who made NATO stronger than it had ever been.
  • Al Sharpton — a rabid antisemite who once called Jews "diamond merchants" and organized a march where protesters shouted "kill the Jews" — received a prime speaking slot.
  • Al Sharpton mispronounced Kamala's name.
  • A delegate was robbed at gunpoint while walking the streets of Chicago.
  • A panelist declared the "need to un-f*ck our economy" after almost four years of Kamala and Biden.
  • Gavin Newsom admitted liberal policies are to blame for California's homelessness crisis.
  • Democrats ignored the fact that Kamala Harris has been in the White House for nearly four years and done nothing to fix the problems she created.
  • Crazy Nancy compared defeating President Trump to going to war against the British and the Confederacy.
  • Democrats gave a standing ovation to the two individuals arguably most responsible for conspiring with Kamala to keep schools closed for as long as possible.
  • Ted Lieu claimed Kamala will "fight to lower housing costs," ignoring the fact that the cost of homeownership reached its highest in three decades during her tenure.
  • Hakeem Jeffries ran away from questions on Kamala's support for bailing violent criminals out of jail.
  • Democrats didn't mention the assassination attempt against President Trump a single time.
  • Democrats' hyporcisy was on full display yet again.
  • Pocahontas received a rousing ovation.

Now, the final sprint begins. Over the next six weeks, President Donald J. Trump and Senator JD Vance will travel the country to share their vision of returning our country to opportunity and prosperity for all.


Then, in November, Americans will relegate Kamala Harris back to where she belongs — the unemployment line.