Kamala Shows Us (Again) Why She Never Does Interviews

September 25, 2024

Kamala managed to turn a softball interview into yet another humiliating failure


Tonight, Kamala joined MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle (who has also endorsed her candidacy — a total coincidence, we're sure) for her first solo primetime interview since she became the nominee in July.


It was (another) reminder why she never does interviews. She's not competent enough — and she has no plans to offer Americans.



Here's what you missed:

  • Kamala criticized and lied about President Trump's tariffs — even though she left many of them in place (and even expanded them): "A sales tax on the American people."

  • Kamala called for mass amnesty for the 20+ million illegal aliens she let into the country: "We also need to create pathways for people to earn citizenship."

  • Kamala was unable to detail how she would pay for her proposals without a massive tax hike: "Well... but... we're going to have to raise corporate taxes."

  • Kamala lied about her multi-trillion-dollar tax plan — which would raise taxes on Americans across every income bracket: "Your taxes will not go up."

  • Kamala lied about President Trump's pre-pandemic record on manufacturing — even though he created 414,000 manufacturing jobs in his first 38 months: "He lost manufacturing jobs by, most peoples' estimates, at least 200,000!"

  • Kamala acknowledged (again) that she destroyed the American Dream: "Gone is the day of everyone thinking they could actually live the American Dream."

  • Kamala boasted about her plan to raise taxes on 26 million small businesspeople (masked with an incentive copied straight from President Trump): "I'm serious about my enthusiasm!"

  • Kamala pretended to care about manufacturing remaining in America — even though her plan would punish domestic production and reward companies that ship jobs overseas: "It's most important that we maintain America's ability to have American manufacturing."

  • Kamala couldn't explain her plan to tackle "price gouging" without implementing Venezuela-style price controls: "Just to be very frank, I am never gonna apologize for going after companies and corporations."

  • Kamala delivered an incoherent word salad to Americans who don't "see themselves" in her plans: "Well if you are... hard working... if you... have... uh... the dreams and the ambitions and the aspirations of what I believe you do, you're in my plan."

  • Kamala unironically talked about the need for a plan — despite having no tangible plans herself: "One must be serious and have a plan — and a real plan that's not just about some talking point."

Perhaps her biggest lie of the night: insisting that Americans can trust her after she brought untold devastation and suffering she has unleashed over the past four years.


Only a truly incompetent fool like Kamala could manage to turn a softball interview into a clinic on evasiveness, incompetence, and delusion all in one — but that's exactly what she did.