Palm Beach Playbook - October 14, 2024

October 14, 2024

October 14, 2024

Contact: Tommy Pigott and Taylor Rogers, Team Trump

BORDER PATROL UNION ENDORSEMENT – Yesterday, the National Border Patrol Council – representing 16,000 men and women working to secure our border – announced its full and unequivocal endorsement of President Trump.

Kamala Harris is complicit in fueling an invasion of our border. President Trump will secure the border, crack down on vicious illegal alien criminal gangs, and Make America Safe Again!

KAMALA WANTS TO BAN FRACKING – With Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania today, it’s worth remembering the damage her policies will do – and have done – to the Keystone state.

Pennsylvania is the third-largest fossil fuel producing state, where the oil and natural gas industry directly accounts for 93,000+ jobs and supports hundreds of thousands more. Despite her dishonest attempt to erase her anti-fracking record, Kamala supports a ban on fracking, which accounts for tens of thousands of jobs in Pennsylvania.

She left no doubt:

Kamala Harris has also repeatedly admitted herself that her “values have not changed.”

Her anti-fracking crusade is unfortunately just the start:

Under the Harris-Biden administration, energy prices have skyrocketed as much as 50%, hitting record highs. If she’s elected president, she’d make it much worse.

KAMALA IS DESPERATE – Kamala Harris is in full-blown desperation mode as she spends the waning days of the campaign attempting to stop the bleeding among voting blocs most traditionally aligned with Democrats.

Nowhere is that more evident than in her outreach to Black Americans — voters of whom Democrats have taken advantage for generations. Team Trump has the FACTS:

 FACT: Black Americans were better off under President Trump.

  • Black unemployment hit record lows under President Trump.
  • Black poverty reached a record low of 18.8% in 2019 — the lowest on record at the time.
  • More than one million more Black Americans were working in February 2020 than when President Trump first took office.
  • Black median household income increased by 8.2% between 2018 and 2019.
  • President Trump restored funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities — a permanent commitment of $250+ million annually.
  • President Trump's Opportunity Zones provided a $50 billion boost to revitalize low-income and minority communities.
  • President Trump signed the landmark First Step Act to reduce recidivisim and excessive sentencing.

FACT: Kamala has failed to deliver for Black Americans:

  • Black Americans have been burdened by higher prices and lower real wages under Kamala.
  • Kamala's open border hits Black communities particularly hard – Black men are the most likely demographic to die from an overdose from fentanyl trafficked across her open border.
  • Violent crime has surged under Kamala — particularly in Democrat-run cities across the country.
  • Pandemic-era school closures — which Kamala championed — disproportionately affected low-income and minority students.

FACT: President Trump will continue to build opportunity and prosperity for all Americans in his second term:

  • President Trump will end the inflation crisis, of which Black Americans have borne the brunt.
  • President Trump will seal the border and stop the migrant invasion.
  • President Trump's "NO TAX ON TIPS" proposal will end taxation of tipped wages — a boon for the 50% of food service workers who are minorities.
  • President Trump will pursue school choice — supported by more than three-quarters of Black Americans.
  • President Trump will provide additional tools for economic empowerment among Black Americans, including support for Black-owned small businesses, job training, and health care.
  • President Trump will prioritize homeownership and neighborhood revitalization among Black Americans.

For more information or to share, click here.


HAPPY COLUMBUS DAY! – Happy Columbus Day to everyone except Kamala Harris, who wants to get rid of this holiday honoring the hero that discovered a new world and celebrates the extraordinary contributions of Italian Americans to our nation. In 2019, Kamala said she’d support renaming Columbus Day and a review of Harris' X account for her vice presidency shows she has exclusively celebrated Indigenous Peoples' Day over Columbus Day each year she has been in the office.”

In the words of Trump Campaign National Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt, “Kamala Harris is your stereotypical leftist. Not only does she want to raise taxes and defund the police — she also wants to cancel American traditions like Columbus Day. President Trump will make sure Christopher Columbus’ great legacy is honored and protect this holiday from radical leftists who want to erase our nation’s history like Kamala Harris.”

LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL ENDORSES TRUMP – In case you missed it, the Law Vegs Review-Journal endorsed President Trump yesterday.


From the endorsement:

  • “Instead, his presidency was marked by relative global stability and a strong American economy. Inflation was an afterthought. With the help of Congress, he lowered federal income taxes for the vast majority of Americans and made inroads at attacking the thicket of federal red tape that cost taxpayers billions every year while dragging down economic growth. Mr. Trump appointed scores of federal judges who respect the Constitution’s limits on government power. He tightened our southern border, pressured our allies to bear more of the financial burden for their own defense and proved a staunch ally to Israel.”
  • “Contrast that with the four years of the Harris-Biden administration. International chaos abounds as White House efforts at appeasement diplomacy embolden our enemies across the globe. Two major wars rage. The debt has ballooned to $35 trillion. Inflation hit 9 percent, the highest rate in four decades, in large part because Democrats can’t temper their insatiable desire to spend other people’s money. Prices for staples remain stubbornly elevated. Housing costs have soared, including in Las Vegas. High interest rates make it more difficult for new homebuyers and burden families carrying credit card and other debt. If this weren’t destructive enough, Ms. Harris and Mr. Biden turned a blind eye to the border for three years, releasing millions of illegal crossers into the country and causing mayors in blue cities to cry uncle.” 

The contrast between Kamala’s failed policies and President Trump’s record of success is clear. Vote for President Trump!

KAMALA ACCUSED OF PLAGIARISM – Kamala Harris is facing serious allegations of plagiarism in her 2009 book “Smart on Crime.” Yikes!

From the New York Post:

  • “Kamala Harris is facing allegations of plagiarism after numerous passages from the Democratic presidential nominee’s 2009 book ‘Smart on Crime’ were discovered to closely resemble – or perfectly match – wording from other sources.”
  • “Harris, then San Francisco’s district attorney, wrote the book promoting a reform-minded approach to prosecuting crimes alongside ghostwriter Joan O’C. Hamilton – who told The Post when contacted Monday that she was surprised to learn about the alleged copying.”
  • “Conservative activist Christopher Rufo published the allegations Monday and credited an investigation by Austrian ‘plagiarism hunter’ Stefan Weber – with Rufo posting screenshots on X of five examples in which the wording in the book closely resembles other sources.”
  • “The five side-by-side passages indicate that Harris may have lifted wording from an Associated Press article from 2008, a Wikipedia article as drafted in 2008, a Bureau of Justice Assistance report from 2000, an Urban Institute report from 2004, and a John Jay College of Criminal Justice press release describing a 2007 award. 

Read the full article here.

BILL VS KAMALA – Bill Clinton admitted that Laken Riley would still be alive if “Border Czar” Kamala Harris had done her job and the Harris-Biden administration had not released unvetted illegal alien criminals into our country. Watch the video here.

POLLS PANICKING KAMALA – A new CNN analysis must be causing panic over at Kamala HQ – her support among Black Americans is lower than any Democrat in a generation.

As CNN’s Harry Enten noted, “No matter how you splice the data, Trump seems to be the strongest Republican with Black voters since 1960. Young Black men in particular have trended right during Trump's runs (cutting the Dem margin by 40 pts from 2012).”

In the words of Janiyah Thomas, Trump Campaign Black Media Director, Black people are not falling for the same tricks that the Democrats traditionally use….they are tired of it. They are ready for a change, and that’s why a lot of Black men are starting to look towards President Trump.”

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