Only President Trump Will End Taxes On Tips

August 23, 2024

Today, Team Trump unveiled a new ad exposing Kamala Harris' brazen lies to American workers on taxing tips.


Kamala plagiarized President Trump's "NO TAX ON TIPS" proposal, but she has absolutely no intention of following through — as evidenced by her record of grifting every possible cent off hardworking Americans to pad the government coffers.



President Trump unveiled his "NO TAX ON TIPS" proposal in June as a way to boost working families in the service industry:

President Trump's proposal was immediately endorsed by the Culinary Workers Union.


Kamala, meanwhile, has worked to siphon every last dollar from hardworking Americans who rely on tips:

  • Kamala's supercharged IRS — for which she cast the tie-breaking vote — introduced a new tips "reporting" program to crack down on "compliance."
  • Kamala has championed eliminating the federal tip credit.
  • Kamala opposes the current tip system that allows tipped employees the opportunity to earn well above the minimum wage.
  • Kamala eliminated the tip credit for minimum wage workers who are federal contractors.
  • Kamala wants to make it easier for IRS agents to stack up questionable penalties against taxpayers by expanding approval authority.

President Trump wants workers to keep their hard-earned money — and will actually do it, unlike Kamala, who hadn't once mentioned the proposal until she was installed as the Democrat nominee.


She's a liar and a fraud who will take, take, take from Americans until they have nothing left to give.