Palm Beach Playbook - May 22, 2024

May 22, 2024

May 22, 2024

“DEADLY FORCE” AUTHORIZED – According to newly reported court documents, Biden’s weaponized DOJ authorized the use of “deadly force when necessary” during the unconstitutional raid on Mar-a-Lago.

Authorizing “deadly force” for a raid against a former president of the United States — and top political rival of the party in charge — takes the Biden administration’s weaponization of the law to an entirely new level.


RECALL: Biden AG Merrick Garland said that he “personally approved” the raid. Joe Biden is a threat to democracy. For more, click here.

LEFTIST VIOLENCE – In Pennsylvania, leftists violently targeted Team Trump volunteers and flipped over tables. Today, a package with blood was shipped to the RNC. Across the country, rioters shut down college campuses and threatened students.


Meanwhile, Biden’s donors are funding the chaos while his administration weaponizes the DOJ against President Trump and his supporters.


Chairman Michael Whatley released the following statement:


“Today, vials of blood were sent to RNC Headquarters in DC. We are thankful to law enforcement, who responded quickly and ensured everyone’s safety. The lockdown has been cleared and staff has resumed their office duties because we remain unintimidated and undeterred in our efforts to elect President Trump to the White House.


“This revolting attack comes on the heels of pro-Hamas protestors violently demonstrating on college campuses and deranged Biden supporters physically attacking our campaign volunteers for supporting President Trump.


“While Republicans fight to strengthen our economy, secure our southern border, and halt the violent crime in our communities, the fringe-left is wreaking havoc, sowing fear, and lying to the public in a bad-faith effort to divide Americans and sway an election. No matter what violent tactics Biden’s extreme left supporters try next, we stand firm in our mission to deliver greater freedom and opportunity for all Americans, and we won’t back down.”

ROCK-BOTTOM APPROVAL – According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, Biden’s approval rating just fell to its lowest level in nearly two years. Only 36% of respondents gave Biden a thumbs up. Not only that, voters preferred President Trump’s policies to Biden’s…

  • On the economy by a 10-point margin.
  • On immigration by a 17-point margin.
  • On foreign conflicts and terrorism by a 7-point margin.

BIDEN’S GAS PRICES BAND-AID – Instead of encouraging more energy production in America, Joe Biden is resorting to an election year gimmick by releasing one million barrels of gasoline from the Northeast Gasoline Supply Reserve. This reserve was established after Superstorm Sandy knocked out refineries. Turns out, Biden’s policies are having the same effect on prices. 


This release is just Biden’s latest gimmick after releasing an unprecedented amount of barrels from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Those reserves are now at their lowest levels since the 1980s, hurting our national security and raising prices in the long run.


Meanwhile, average gas prices have been above $3 a gallon for over 1,100 days under Biden. They were never that high under President Trump.

COMING SOON TO THE BRONX! – First New Jersey, then Minnesota, and now a rally in the South Bronx, President Trump is playing offense across the country! You can almost feel the panic over at Team Biden.

AN UNPRECEDENTED ELECTION INTEGRITY PROGRAM – RNC Chairman Michael Whately’s op-ed on election integrity is a must read


As Chairman Whately notes, “It is all hands on deck to ensure free and fair elections in November.” 

  • “To date, the RNC and state Republican parties across the country have engaged in more than 80 election integrity lawsuits in over 25 states.”
  • “Recently, the RNC joined the Trump campaign in announcing our goal to deploy 100,000 volunteers and attorneys to serve as poll judges, workers and observers.”

Learn more at

DEPORT DRUNK DRIVERS – A 19-year-old Alabama man was reportedly killed this year by an illegal alien who already pled guilty to a DUI in 2021. In 2020, Joe Biden said illegal aliens who drive drunk should not be deported. Watch the video.

BIDEN VS. TRUMP IN NEW HAMPSHIRE – Can you feel the excitement? Biden “supporters” can’t. Look at the contrast between Biden’s event in New Hampshire yesterday and Trump’s event in New Hampshire earlier this year.

  • Biden Event:
  • Trump Event:

It’s clear the enthusiasm is with President Trump! Biden’s quick “campaign stops” between naps reveal a deeper problem, Americans don’t like Crooked Joe Biden!

A SURGE IN SAN DEIGO – As crackdowns by Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott dramatically reduce the number of illegal border crossings in his state, illegal aliens are heading west towards San Diego.


Hundreds of illegal aliens are crossing near San Diego every day. Many of them are coming from “special interest” countries with “national security concerns,” including from Iran, China, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia.

Concerningly, thousands of illegal aliens are being released into the country every day with little to no vetting because the ability to properly vet them does not exist.


Such is the everyday reality of Crooked Joe Biden’s border invasion, where illegal aliens are being caught and released in record numbers — willfully aided and abetted by the crooked Biden administration.


For more, click here.

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