This Is The Real Story About Kamala Harris’ Time as DA

September 06, 2024

We’ll remember killers like Edwin Ramos and David Hill. Kamala forgot about victims like Isaac Espinoza and Amanda Kiefer


Ahead of Tuesday's debate, it's important to remember Kamala's actual record as San Francisco's District Attorney.


She was a soft-on-crime radical. 


Here are the facts: 


  • Kamala proposed allowing drug dealers to sell drugs without fear of being charged with a crime. Kamala's plan was that drug dealers would only face charges the THIRD time they are arrested.
    • A former deputy chief of the San Francisco Police Department said, "Kamala Harris was the most liberal and progressive district attorney I worked with in over 30 years in the SFPD."
  • Kamala protected illegal immigrant drug dealers from prison. She expunged their criminal record and gave them job training. One of them assaulted a woman and left her with a fractured skull. 
  • Kamala Harris let MS-13 gang member Edwin Ramos go. He ended up murdering a father and his two sons.
  • Kamala Harris refused to seek the death penalty against cop killer David Hill. Even Dianne Feinstein was shocked by this decision and criticized Kamala for it. 
  • Kamala Harris allowed criminals that punch and spit on cops to avoid jail time.
  • Kamala Harris was weak on gun criminals. The San Francisco Chronicle reported, "Police have also challenged Harris over whether she is living up to her promises to get tougher on gun crimes."
  • Kamala Harris was a failure in the courtroom. San Francisco Weekly reported, "In the first quarter of 2010, things got worse. During that time, Harris' office secured guilty verdicts in just 53 percent of its felony trials — a remarkable figure, revealing that defendants accused of serious crimes who took their case to trial had an even one-in-two shot at winning an acquittal."
  • Her record as San Francisco District Attorney includes "lenient plea deals and probation for a string of career criminals—a serial domestic abuser who later murdered his girlfriend, a repeat felon who gunned down a newspaper editor in Harris’s hometown of Oakland, and others."
  • Harris was such a weak-on-crime district attorney that the police had to do an "end run around Harris' office by taking several gang-related homicide cases to federal prosecutors."