Top MUST WATCH Moments From Potterville, Michigan

August 29, 2024

President Donald J. Trump just wrapped up remarks at a steel plant in Potterville, Michigan, where he spoke about the economic failures and financial burden Kamala Harris has brought to the nation.


Here are the top MUST WATCH moments you missed:

  • President Trump announced a brand new policy proposal: "I am announcing today that under the Trump administration, your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment ... we want more babies!"

  • President Trump laid out the "economic reign of terror" under Kamala Harris: "Kamala cast the deciding votes that caused the worst inflation in American history ... costing the typical family $28,000. Under her policies, household wealth has plummeted by $33,000/family. The cost of a monthly mortgage has tripled."

  • President Trump outlined a simple economic vision for a second term: "Workers like you in communities like this should be able to afford a nice house, a new car, and a growing family on a SINGLE INCOME."

  • President Trump invited an auto worker on stage to speak: "Chrysler and General Motors have already gone bankrupt once. If we allow electric vehicle mandates to be put on this industry by the federal government, they're going out of business again. We have to fight against that — and [Trump] is the only person who will do it."

  • President Trump delivered a chilling warning of Kamala's radical ideology: "Kamala is promising communist-style price controls, free taxpayer funded health care for all illegal aliens, mass amnesty, and citizenship ... She wants to give citizenship to people who have come here illegally."

  • President Trump highlighted the destruction of American energy under Kamala Harris: "This week, Harris officially banned drilling on 28 million acres of public land. What caused inflation — other than their spending — was energy."

While Michiganders and Americans suffer under the Harris-Biden regime, President Trump will restore the country to greatness and prosperity once again.