Palm Beach Playbook - September 26, 2024

September 26, 2024

September 26, 2024

Contact: Tommy Pigott and Taylor Rogers, Team Trump

KAMALA HARRIS’ HORRENDOUS INTERVIEW – Somehow, Kamala managed to turn a softball interview into yet another humiliating failure.

It was (another) reminder why she never does interviews. She's not competent enough – and she has no plans to offer Americans.

Team Trump has the rundown on what you missed:

  • Kamala called for mass amnesty for the 20+ million illegal aliens she let into the country: “We also need to create pathways for people to earn citizenship.”
  • Kamala was unable to detail how she would pay for her proposals without a massive tax hike“Well... but... we're going to have to raise corporate taxes.”
  • Kamala acknowledged (again) that she destroyed the American Dream: “Gone is the day of everyone thinking they could actually live the American Dream.”
  • Kamala boasted about her plan to raise taxes on 26 million small businesspeople (masked with an incentive copied straight from President Trump): “I'm serious about my enthusiasm!”
  • Kamala couldn't explain her plan to tackle “price gouging” without implementing Venezuela-style price controls“Just to be very frank, I am never gonna apologize for going after companies and corporations.”
  • Kamala delivered an incoherent word salad to Americans who don't “see themselves” in her plans: “Well if you are... hard working... if you... have... uh... the dreams and the ambitions and the aspirations of what I believe you do, you're in my plan.”

Perhaps her biggest lie of the night: insisting that Americans can “trust” her after she brought untold devastation and suffering she has unleashed over the past four years.

Only a truly incompetent fool like Kamala could manage to turn a softball interview into a clinic on evasiveness, incompetence, and delusion all in one – but that's exactly what she did. For more information or to share, click here.

FIRST LADY MELANIA TRUMP’S INTERVIEW – First Lady Melania Trump sat down for an interview with “Fox and Friends” in which she discussed why President Trump is running again, her reaction to the two assassination attempts and the raid on Mar-a-Lago, among a number of other topics in the wide-ranging interview.

Watch the interview here.

ANOTHER MAJOR ENDORSEMENT – Today, President Donald J. Trump received the endorsement of the Albuquerque Police Officers’ Association because our communities were undoubtedly safer under President Trump.

President Trump has always backed the blue – working to restore the rule of law, forge new partnerships with state and local law enforcement agencies, provide support for police officers, and adopt aggressive strategies for ending gang and drug-related violence. The Albuquerque Police Officers’ Association joins dozens of law enforcement organizations, including the National Fraternal Order of PoliceNational Association of Police OrganizationsArizona Police AssociationMilwaukee Police AssociationLas Vegas Police Protective Association, and Police Officers Association of Michigan, in supporting President Trump’s campaign to Make America Safe Again.

In the words of Shaun Willoughby, President of the Albuquerque Police Officers’ Association: “President Trump has consistently shown unwavering support for our police officers, advocating for policies that protect and empower those who serve on the front lines. His commitment to law and order, coupled with his dedication to funding law enforcement initiatives, has provided our officers with the tools and resources necessary to serve and protect…We believe that President Trump’s proven track record and strong leadership make him the best candidate to address the challenges facing our nation.” –

Read the full letter here.

FIVE ALARM FIRE – Kamala’s “interview” on MSNBC was widely panned as a disaster for Kamala. Team Trump has the receipts (click here for the full list):

  • Scott Jennings, CNN: “She had nothing – nothing – new to say on the economy beyond this ridiculous pablum.”
  • Victor Nava, The New York Post: “[She] refused to explain how she intends to pay for her pricey economic plan ... one of several questions she dodged.”
  • Alex Thompson, Axios: “[The interview] was with somebody who went on TV last Friday and said, ‘I'm basically voting for Kamala Harris.’”
  • Myah Ward, Politico: “The campaign’s decision to select Ruhle – a friendly interviewer for Harris – for the first national, solo sit down has drawn criticism.”
  • Daniel Dale, CNN: “Harris made a false claim about the jobs record of her Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump.”
  • Glenn Kessler, The Washington Post: “Harris flubs manufacturing jobs claim.”
  • Geoff Earle, The Daily Mail: “Harris is stumped by question about crucial part of her economic policy.”
  • Reagan Reese, The Daily Caller: “[She] still has yet to explain why she has continued to flip-flop on various policy issues or why her campaign refuses to define her stance on several topics.”
  • Andrew Stiles, The Washington Free Beacon: “Harris recited familiar talking points and dished out indecipherable word salads...”

The New York Times said it best“A hard-hitting Harris interview is still yet to come.” For more information or to share, click here.

WHEN KAMALA HAS LOST THE NEW YORK TIMESThe New York Times's Reid Epstein penned a blistering review of Kamala’s “interview.” Among his comments about the interview – it “elicited few details” as Kamala “avoided direct questions about how she would govern and why some voters remain fond of former President Donald J. Trump's stewardship of the economy.”

Epstein went on to blast Kamala for responding to “basic and predictable questions with roundabout responses that did not provide a substantive answer,” while noting the lack of questions around “positions Ms. Harris supported during her 2020 presidential campaign or what, if anything, she knew about Mr. Biden's physical condition or mental acuity.” Click here for more.

WHOOPS – Top Kamala surrogate Mark Cuban accidentally said the quiet part out loud: Inflation wasn't caused by “price gouging” but by massive government spending... that Kamala cast the tie-breaking vote on. Watch the video here.

“MOVE PAST” KAMALA’S FAILURES – Even Kamala knows it’s time to “move past” her “failed policies that we have proven don’t work.” Vote for President Trump! Click here to watch the video.

“LIAR” – Even the kids know not to trust Comrade Kamala. What’s the best word to describe Kamala Harris? “Liar.”

We couldn’t have said it better ourselves!

40 DAYS – We are only 40 days out from the most important election in our nation’s history. In fact, some states are already voting. Go to to make your plan to vote today!

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Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President 2024