White House Wants You To Know — Kamala Is Responsible For The Mess

September 02, 2024

Today, Kamala Harris will join her mentor, Crooked Joe Biden, to deliver a Labor Day message to Americans: things are a mess — and we're both responsible.



We already know there's "no daylight" between the destructive economic policies of Kamala and Biden — now, the Harris-Biden White House wants to make sure everyone knows it.


Here's what that means:

  • COSTS: Overall prices up 20.2% under Harris-Biden, with gas prices up 40%+, overall transportation costs up 32.9%, and overall grocery prices up 21.6%.

  • INFLATION: Under Harris-Biden, Americans have been subjected to the longest period of high inflation in more than three decades, costing the average family an extra $28,000 paying for the increased cost of living — aided by Kamala's support (and tie-breaking votes) for an inflation-accelerating $11 trillion in spending.

  • INCOMES & SAVINGS: Americans' earning power hasn't kept up, with real average weekly earnings DOWN 3.9% under Kamala and 80% of Americans’ personal savings — nearly $3 trillion — wiped out. The middle class has lost at least $2.4 trillion since March 2022, with the average middle class household losing at least $33,000 in real wealth.

  • ENERGY: Americans have lost over $4,562 paying higher energy costs under Harris-Biden, with energy prices soaring 13 times faster than the previous seven years.

  • HOUSING: The cost of homeownership is at its highest in three decades, with the median housing payment up nearly $1,000/month and overall housing costs up nearly 50%. Americans need a six-figure salary to afford the typical home in nearly half of all states — a 50% jump over the last four years — while half of all renters say they simply cannot afford to buy a home in this economy.

  • JOBS: Over the last year, 1.2 million native-born Americans lost employment, while 1.3 million foreign-born workers found jobs — as Harris-Biden continue lying about their record.

Of course, these "accomplishments" do nothing but hurt the same American workers Kamala claims to support (while foreign-born workers thrive). In a second term, Kamala would only make things worse as she pushes for trillions in tax hikessocialized health care, and welfare for illegals.


As President Trump said, American workers are the "shining example of hard work and ingenuity." President Trump made unprecedented gains for the American worker in his first term — and he'll restore America to an economic powerhouse once again in a second term.
