October 16, 2024

Kamala Harris just wrapped up her first non-softball interview of her vice presidency — and calling it a "complete and total disaster" would be the understatement of the year.


Over and over again, Kamala humiliated herself — angry, defensive, incoherent, and unwilling to take any responsibility for the destruction she has unleashed over the past four years.



Here's what you missed:

  • Kamala refused to apologize to the families of Jocelyn Nungaray, Rachel Morin, and Laken Riley — American citizens brutally murdered by illegals she let into the country: "Those are tragic cases."

  • Kamala rebuffed the chance to apologize to the mother of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old American viciously murdered by two illegals she let into the country: "Let's talk about what is happening right now with an individual who does not want to participate in solutions."

  • Kamala flailed (again) when confronted over her refusal to distance herself from Biden: "My presidency will not be a continuation of Joe Biden's presidency."

  • Kamala couldn't (or wouldn't) say how many illegal aliens she has released into the country: "It is a topic of discussion that people want to rightly have."

  • Kamala wouldn't disavow her support of driver's licenses, free college tuition, and free health care for illegal immigrants: "We will support and enforce federal law."

  • Kamala defended handing hundreds of billions of dollars to Iran and its proxies: "Let's go back to Donald Trump."

  • Kamala abdicated responsibility for covering up Biden's cognitive decline and lying about it: "He has the judgment and the experience to do what he has done."

  • Kamala wouldn't say when — if ever — she realized her border crisis was, in fact, a crisis: "Let's all be honest about that. I have no pride in saying that this is a perfect immigration system. I have been clear — I think we all are!"

  • Kamala declined to address her support of taxpayer-funded sex change surgeries for prisoners and illegal aliens: "That ad from the Trump campaign is a little bit like throwing stones when you live in a glass house."

  • Kamala attempted to blame her border crisis on President Trump because he opposed her mass amnesty bill: "This is rightly a discussion that the American people want to have."

  • Kamala insisted "experts" are smarter than Americans who trust President Trump over her on the economy: "It has been clear to those who study and understood how economic policy works."

  • Kamala dodged the incompatibility of her claim she is "turning the page" when she is currently in office: "And Donald Trump has been running for office!"

  • Kamala cracked under the pressure of her first non-softball interview: "THIS IS A DEMOCRACY!"

  • Kamala had no answer for why, if President Trump is as bad as she claims, he's beating her in the polls: "It's not supposed to be easy."

There's a reason Kamala's handlers desperately wanted the interview to end: it was an abject disaster.


Kamala, please keep these interviews coming.