Timothy Walz Is A Radical Left LUNATIC

October 01, 2024

Kamala found her perfect match in Freakish Timothy Walz — another weak, failed, dangerously liberal career politician


Timothy Walz transformed Minnesota into a third-world refuge for the Radical Left's most deranged lunacy — and now he's joining forces with Kamala to bring their sick policies to the rest of America.


By picking Walz, Kamala has doubled down on her far-left fantasy:

  • Walz fully supports "sanctuary cities" and "sanctuary states."
  • Walz backs mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens.
  • Walz refuses to call Kamala's unprecedented border invasion a "crisis."
  • Walz wants to provide "ladder[s]" to aid illegal immigrants in scaling the border wall.
  • Walz signed legislation giving illegal aliens free, taxpayer-funded health care and college.
  • Walz signed legislation allowing illegal aliens to get driver's licenses and title vehicles.
  • Walz opened an "Office of New Americans," which spends taxpayer dollars "solely on supporting immigrant and refugee integration" in the sanctuary state.
  • Walz bragged about mass migration overwhelming a small Minnesota town.
  • Walz allowed leftist rioters to burn Minneapolis to the ground (who Kamala subsequently bailed out), directed police to surrender their precinct, stalled deploying the National Guard for days, then excused it as what happens when "a society that does not put equity and inclusion at the center."
  • Walz backed voting rights for convicted felons — including violent criminals.
  • Walz allowed criminals to walk free — including a woman who drowned her own baby.
  • Walz thinks voter ID and voter integrity laws as solutions "looking for a problem."
  • Walz raised billions in new taxes — and wanted to raise them even more.
  • Walz smeared rural America as "mostly rocks and cows."
  • Walz supports a ban on gas-powered vehicles — and attempted to force through a California-style ban in Minnesota.
  • Walz mandated an end to ALL carbon-producing energy in Minnesota by 2040, forcing them to rely on unreliable wind and solar — costing the state $340 billion and rolling blackouts.
  • Walz opposes fracking.
  • Walz proposed a "low carbon fuel standard” — another tax on consumers.
  • Walz opposed a critical oil pipeline because it lacked a "social permit."
  • Walz backed cap-and-trade, which would've killed 2.5 million jobs.
  • Walz forced Minnesota manufacturers to shut down factories and foundries due to high electricity costs.
  • Walz backed defunding the police.
  • Walz presided over a massive uptick in violent crime.
  • Walz thinks "one person's socialism is another person's neighborliness."
  • Walz claimed “there’s no [constitutional] guarantee to free speech on misinformation.”
  • Walz opposes restricting sexually explicit and pornographic content from elementary schools.
  • Walz signed legislation requiring schools to stock menstrual products in boys' bathrooms.
  • Walz signed an order allowing minors to receive gender reassignment surgeries with no age limit.
  • Walz thinks it's "insane" to be upset at partnering with a satanic designer to promote transgender products for kids.
  • Walz praised a Hitler-promoting cleric as a “master teacher.”
  • Walz smeared President Trump's supporters as "fascists," just days after the assassination attempt against him.
  • Walz defended his forced school lockdowns and masking, even after they were shown to be ineffective.
  • Walz set up a snitch line for neighbors to rat each other out for violating his tyrannical COVID orders.
  • Walz laughed at citizens who dared to criticize his misguided lockdown order.
  • Walz discharged COVID-positive patients to long-term care facilities, which were decimated with some of the highest death rates in the nation.
  • Walz oversaw massive, wide-reaching fraud that cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars.
  • Walz enshrined into law unrestricted abortion-on-demand until birth and stripped away the right of newborn babies to receive life saving care.
  • Walz advocated for a “very similar” approach to increasing the retirement age for Social Security.
  • Walz repeatedly lied about his own National Guard service and abandoned his battalion just as they were set to deploy to Iraq so he could run for Congress.
  • Walz lied about guns he “carried in war” — despite never seeing combat.
  • Walz repeatedly praised communist China, said the U.S. shouldn't have an "adversarial relationship" with them, and visited the country dozens of times.
  • Walz covered up Biden's obvious cognitive decline.
  • Walz praised pro-Hamas rioters as “speaking out for all the right reasons” and called to “put the leverage” on Israel.
  • Walz ran away from a question about the dead hostages found in Gaza.
  • Walz presided over an education decline that saw Minnesota students fall “below average” for the first time.

Democrats nominated two socialists as their party’s standard-bearers without a single vote cast for any of them — and they’ll put illegal aliens, violent criminals, and the Radical Left first.


President Donald J. Trump will always put America First.