Kamala’s “Plan” Is A Death Knell For American Manufacturing

September 25, 2024

Today, Kamala Harris will outline an "economic philosophy" focused on manufacturing — all in a desperate attempt to distance herself from her own failure to deliver over the past four years.


Kamala doesn't support manufacturing. Kamala killed 24,000 manufacturing jobs last month alone — and after nearly four years, "created" just 32,000 manufacturing jobs when taking into account jobs added back post-pandemic and massive downward revisions. In fact, manufacturing has been on the decline since she took office as the industry sees some of the fastest contractions on record.

"Tax Queen" Kamala's plan to keep manufacturing jobs in America? A 33% tax hike on all domestic production, the largest capital gains tax hike in history, a wealth confiscation tax on unrealized capital gains, a massive national energy tax — and more.


President Trump, who created nearly half a million manufacturing jobs in his first three years, has an actual plan to bring jobs BACK to America:

  • President Trump's "MADE IN AMERICA" tax rate will cut the business tax rate from 21% to 15% for employers who make their products in the USA  — and charge a tariff on companies who don't.

  • President Trump will cut energy prices in half within his first year and double the grid capacity to compete with China and other countries.

  • President Trump will cut ten existing regulations for every new regulation put in place.

  • President Trump will put a 100% tariff on every automobile manufactured by a Chinese plant in Mexico — and the only way they'll get rid of it is by building a plant in the U.S.

If Kamala was serious about protecting American workers and their jobs, why hasn't she done it already? She has been in office for nearly four years and has unleashed devastation on the working class with sky-high prices, shrinking wages, higher energy costs, and tens of millions of illegal aliens taking over our communities.


Her approach isn't just not "pragmatic," it's a death wish for American manufacturing and American workers.


Under President Trump, foreign nations will be worried about THEIR jobs coming to America — not the other way around.