FOUR YEARS AGO: President Trump’s Abraham Accords Ushered In Historic Peace

September 15, 2024

Four years ago today, the Abraham Accords were signed — the first Middle East peace agreement in 26 years.


Brokered by President Donald J. Trump, the historic normalization agreements — including the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco — charted a new course in the relationships between the U.S., Israel, and Arab nations, and have withstood in the aftermath of the October 7th attack.



Thanks to President Trump's leadership:

  • More than one million people have now traveled between these countries — something that was impossible just four years ago.

  • Economic ties between member nations are stronger than ever, with over $12 billion in trade and thousands of new jobs.

  • Earlier this year, the U.S., Israel, and Accords member countries worked together to shoot down hundreds of Iranian missiles and drones — preventing World War III.

  • Israel is stronger than ever after just four years.

President Trump stood by our allies and against our enemies as he negotiated this historic peace in the middle of a global pandemic. Four years later, the weakness of the Harris-Biden administration unleashed darkness on the world as they prioritized misguided "deals" with murderous thugs and regimes that hate us.


America needs the PEACE PRESIDENT back in the White House.