KISS OF DEATH: Even DeSanctus’ Own Commercial Calls Him DeSanctus

December 05, 2023

"If there was ever an example of President Trump being a marketing genius, the term DeSanctus has now permeated into Ron’s own commercial in Iowa.



At the 0:16 mark, the woman can be clearly heard saying ‘DeSanctus’ when describing the Florida governor.


President Trump is living rent-free in Team DeSanctus’ head that they unintentionally made fun of their own candidate because that is what’s considered normal for this election cycle."

— Steven Cheung, Trump spokesperson


It's clear that Ron won't give up on his campaign fantasy until his poll numbers hit 0%.


A new survey from HarrisX shows not only can President Trump beat Crooked Joe Biden in the general election, but he's the strongest Republican candidate overall. In fact, it's Ron DeSanctimonious who wouldn't beat Biden. Fortunately for Republican voters, DeSanctus will never be our nominee and won't have the opportunity to screw it up.


With 41 days to the Iowa caucuses, Ron is stuck in a free-fall, now holding THIRD place in Iowa and New Hampshire. 
If the DeSanctimonians want any chance of keeping their high-heeled leader's reputation intact, they should be honest with Ron, and urge him to remove his name from the ballot in Florida before the December 12 deadline. 
It's time to come to terms with reality, Ron. You'll never be the GOP nominee, and you'll never be president. 

THE MESSENGER - Messenger Poll: Haley, DeSantis Far Behind in Head-to-Head Matchups Against Trump (Exclusive)


NEW YORK MAGAZINE - DeSantis Sets Himself Up for Humiliation in Iowa