Kamala Thinks You’re Stupid

September 27, 2024

Kamala Harris apparently thinks voters and the press are stupid. 


Her campaign gave a "readout" ahead of her visit to the border today and told Politico that Kamala will "argue that American sovereignty requires setting rules at the border and enforcing them.”


Kamala has been at the forefront of the effort to dismantle American sovereignty and open up our border. Kamala's agenda is an affront to our rule of law. She wants to reward tens of millions of illegal immigrants with citizenship and even give amnesty to previously deported illegal immigrants.


  • As Border Czar, Kamala Harris has overseen the mass catch-and-release of dangerous illegal immigrants. 
    • A man wanted for 23 murders in Peru was released into the country in May.
    • The House Judiciary Committee found that Border Czar Harris released 99 illegal immigrants on the terrorist watchlist into American communities.
    • Border Czar Harris released Jose Ibarra into the country, who later allegedly killed Laken Riley.


  • As a senator, Kamala Harris advocated against any enforcement of the law at the border. 
    • Kamala supported decriminalizing border crossings. 
    • Kamala supported defunding ICE. 
    • Kamala attacked a border wall as "useless."
    • Kamala urged the Senate to reject "funding to hire new Border Patrol personnel."
    • Kamala called for releasing thousands of criminal illegal immigrants from detention.