Let’s Talk Numbers Ahead of the Presidential Debate in Atlanta

June 26, 2024



TO:                  Interested Parties

FROM:            Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles

                        Donald J. Trump for President 2024

DATE:             June 26, 2024

RE:                 Let’s Talk Numbers Ahead of the Presidential Debate in Atlanta


Heading into tomorrow’s debate, we will lay out the state of the race based on the numbers — the real numbers that are not “deep fakes” or “cheap fakes.”


We hope the Left recognizes the importance of numbers in this contest, which will have a profound impact on the country’s direction. After all, the Biden Campaign loves to sell lazy reporters on their “numbers” — meaningless number of offices, number of staff, and of course the length of time their guy can stand unaided between commercial breaks.


So, let’s start with $100 million. That is how much the Biden Campaign has spent on paid advertising thus far. The impact on his standing in the race is nothing.


Speaking of paid advertising, how many different ad creatives do these frantic people plan on running on a weekly basis?


President Trump has erased Biden’s cash advantage. This comes after President Trump outraised Biden for the second consecutive month — bringing in a massive haul of $141 million in May, compared to Biden’s $85 million.


Biden is desperate to distract from the sputtering economy and open border.


New data from the Labor Department shows that Republican governors lead eight of the top 10 states with the lowest unemployment rates, and Republican-led states are among the top 18 performers on job growth, personal income growth, gross domestic product growth, and gas prices. And President Trump’s “No Tax On Tips” plan has become incredibly popular.


Meanwhile, our southern border is being invaded by criminals and terrorists from all over the world. Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has announced that over 50 illegal aliens linked to ISIS are roaming our country. Joe Biden is releasing thousands of illegal criminal aliens and vicious gang members into U.S. communities every day to prey on innocent victims — including a 12-year-old-girl in Houston who was savagely raped and murdered by an illegal alien; and a 13-year-old girl in New York City who was brutally raped by a ruthless monster from Ecuador.


The Biden Administration has a failed track record, and the American people feel it every day. Voters aren’t buying the Biden Campaign’s snake oil — and hundreds of millions in ads aren’t helping.


The RealClearPolitics polling averages has President Trump leading nationally and in the key battleground states. The most recent state polls show President Trump expanding the electoral map in Minnesota and Virginia.


The New York Times’ own polling averages show President Trump ahead in enough states to win 312 electoral votes.



We read about Biden’s standing in Florida, which was “in play” just a few weeks ago but has now been unceremoniously dumped — as President Trump’s lead widens to an average of 7.6 points in the Sunshine State.




But that’s ok. This time, it’s North Carolina that’s real! Honest. Unfortunately for Biden, President Trump is beating him by an average of 5.8 points in North Carolina.


Finally, the Democratic National Committee sent millions of dollars to law firms behind the weaponization of justice and lawfare being waged against President Trump — according to FEC records recently reviewed by the Daily Caller.


At the debate, we all know what number Joe Biden will say over and over again. 34. It’s committed to memory from his corrupt Justice Department that desperately wants to jail his opponent because, well, you guessed it…his numbers are so bad!


Biden is in a bind. He is told he should focus on “democracy,” but a new Washington Post poll shows that key swing-state voters actually trust President Trump (44%) more than Biden (33%) to protect democracy!


The New York Times revealed it will deploy 29 fact-checkers to the CNN debate to join an additional 31 reporters and editorial staff.


Here are some examples of the prolific lies that Biden will inevitably repeat at the debate that we have no doubt the impartial “fact checkers” will call out:


·       “We’re working to make sure [the border] is safe and orderly and humane.” (See horrific examples above).

·       “Inflation was 9% when I came into office.” (It was 1.4%).

·       “Gas prices were over $5 when I took office.” (The average price of gasoline was $2.39 per gallon).


A set of numbers we are eager to track? The number of questions devoted to the very important issues that voters actually care about. And the number of times Joe Biden mentions inflation, the economy, his failure at the border, and his weakness at home and abroad.


According to a McLaughlin survey, half (49%) of voters cite high prices/inflation as their 1st or 2nd choice — followed by secure border/immigration (31%) and jobs/economy (21%).



We know President Trump looks forward to presenting his vision for a prosperous, safe and secure America.


 Read the full memo here.