FAKE NEWS: Axios Gets Caught Trying To Memory Hole Kamala’s Appointment as Biden’s Border Czar

July 24, 2024

Fresh off the "cheap fakes" hoax — where the entire mainstream media falsely characterized accurate videos of Biden's decline as fake — they are now lying about Kamala's role as Biden's border czar.


This morning, Axios reporter Stef Kight bizarrely claimed that Kamala "never actually had" the title of border czar.


Oh? Someone should show Stef this article published in Axios in March 2021 written by... Stef Kight.



Axios' own website contains *multiple articles* naming Kamala Harris as Biden's border czar in 2021.





After being exposed (and ratioed on X), Axios doubled down on their lie and committed the ultimate act of self-humiliation, adding an editor's note to Kight's article claiming "that Axios was among the news outlets that incorrectly labeled Harris a "border czar" back in 2021."


The fact is that Kamala Harris owns all of the border crisis — the 10 million unvetted illegals released into our country, the humanitarian crisis transpiring at the border, the deadly drug and human trafficking, the 300+ encounters of individuals on the terror watchlist, and the heinous murders of innocent Americans by Kamala's illegals.


Kamala Harris is weak, failed, and dangerously liberal.