Palm Beach Playbook - August 21, 2024

August 21, 2024

August 21, 2024

Contact: Tommy Pigott and Taylor Rogers, Team Trump

MAKE AMERICA STRONG AGAIN ­– President Trump was in North Carolina today outlining his vision for peace through strength.

Under President Trump, America was stronger and the world was safer. He signed historic peace agreements and commanded the respect of the world. Under Kamala, our country is weaker, our adversaries are emboldened, and the world is on the brink of World War III.

Vote Trump to Make America Strong Again!

KAMALA’S JOB “CREATION” LIE –  New data shows 818,000 jobs the Harris-Biden administration claimed to have created over the past year don't actually exist – the largest downward “revision” to employment numbers in 15 years.

As Team Trump Rapid Response pointed out, it's not a “revision” – it's another Harris-Biden lie being exposed.

That equates to 68,000 fewer jobs per month than initially touted – and includes 115,000 fewer manufacturing jobs, 104,000 fewer trade, transportation, and utility jobs, and 45,000 fewer construction jobs.

Illegal aliens, meanwhile, are still thriving, with 1.2 million native-born Americans losing employment over the last year as 1.3 million foreign-born workers found jobs.

Kamalanomics has decimated our economy. President Trump led a Great American Comeback once before – and he'll do it again. For more information or to share, click here.

THE LOWLIGHTS FROM DNC NIGHT TWO – Missed the Democrats’ angry, delusional, and disastrous convention last night? We don’t blame you. Team Trump has you covered.

Here are the most radical, extreme, and outrageous moments from day two of the DNC disaster:

  • Pro-Hamas rioters crashed Democrats' morning meeting, burned an American flag, and clashed with law enforcement for yet another day.
  • Democrats opened a third layer of walls outside their convention as they leave our southern border wide open.
  • Andy Beshear wished for a member of JD Vance's family to become pregnant due to rape, refused to apologize – then insisted “everyone deserves respect.”
  • Speakers attempted to paint Kamala as tough-on-crime, but ignored the reality of her “progressive,” soft-on-crime past.
  • Cori Bush – disgraced, defeated Squad member and pro-Hamas lunatic – nominated Kamala from the convention floor.
  • Bernie Sanders admitted "too many of our fellow Americans are struggling” under Kamala.
  • Delegates demonstrated a severe lack of awareness for who has been running the country for the past three-and-a-half years.
  • J.B. Pritzker tried to gaslight Americans into thinking Kamala – who wants trillions in new taxes, a carbon tax, a higher business tax than socialist Venezuela, and much more – wants to cut taxes.
  • Democrats played a montage of Kamala casting the tie-breaking vote on Democrats' massive spending – which caused the runaway inflation under which Americans are still suffering.
  • Panelists inadvertently made the case for re-electing President Trump.
  • Delegates couldn't even fake energy.
  • The convention floor descended into chaos (again).
  • The convention was a logistical nightmare (again).
  • Kamala's incompetent spokesman denied she needed to do more to outline her positions to voters.

Unfortunately, the worst is yet to come.  Americans will have the displeasure of hearing from the two individuals least qualified to lead America into the future: Comrade Kamala and Tim Walz. To read the full post and to share, click here.

KAMALA’S POLICIES ARE FINALLY ONLINE – As The New York Times reported this week, Kamala Harris “does not have a policy page on her campaign website.”

So, the Trump Campaign has launched where you can view Kamala Harris’s vision for America that includes ending cash bail, opening the border, and defunding police.

While Harris has tried to rewrite history on her extreme record, she can’t hide from her policies that set murderers free, dismantle America’s border security, raise costs, increase middle-class taxes, bring back the Green New Deal Scam, and more.

Check out the new website at

KAMALA’S AFGHANISTAN WITHDRAWAL – Three years ago this week, our country was witnessing the disastrous and heartbreaking results of Kamala’s botched withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Calling it Kamala’s withdrawal is no exaggeration. Kamala Harris:

  • Bragged about how she was the last person in the room.
  • Said she felt “comfortable” with the decision.
  • Claimed that the administration had made significant “progress” even as scenes of chaos erupted around the airport and Americans were trapped in the country.
  • Insisted that “we have seen a successful drawdown of the embassy” amid images reminiscent of the evacuation of the embassy in Vietnam.
  • Praised Joe Biden as someone with "an extraordinary amount of courage” who did the “right thing.”
  • Literally stood behind Joe Biden, backing his lies to the American people.

Her policies resulted in the deaths of 13 brave U.S. servicemembers and billions in U.S. military equipment lost to the Taliban. Three years later, emboldened adversaries and enemies are attacking the U.S., our interests, and our allies around the world.

To read today’s full “Harris Weakness Wednesdays,” click here.

A LETTER TO WALZ – 50 Republican servicemembers and veterans sent a letter condemning Governor Walz’s lies about his military service.

  • “To be blunt, when you falsely claim military service that did not happen and abandon your post, you diminish the real sacrifices made by veterans who did serve in combat. Military service is not merely a job or a uniform. Those who serve in the Armed Forces endure rigorous training, face perilous situations, and make sacrifices that most civilians can’t comprehend. The honor of wearing the uniform is earned through dedication, bravery, and an unwavering sense of duty. You have displayed none of these characteristics as you have lied your way through a political career launched on the foundation of a title you did not earn and combat deployments you did not take part in.”

Read the full letter here.

KAMALA COSTS – Andy Puzder and E.J. Antoni are out with a new op-ed debunking Kamala’s communist-inspired price control proposal.

  • “Vice President Kamala Harris announced her economic agenda last Friday. It can best be summarized as deflection and projection. She attempts to defer the blame for inflation from Biden-Harris economic policy – where it belongs – to what she claims is ‘price gouging’ by American businesses. Ironically, data from the administration’s own Labor Department proves her claims of price gouging are simply false.”
  • “Prices paid by businesses (as measured by the producer price index) have risen 19.4 percent under the Biden-Harris administration. That’s precisely the same increase as occurred in the prices paid by consumers over this period (as measured by the consumer price index). In other words, inflation has been impacting the entire supply chain from producers to consumers.”
  • “Had producers or retailers been price gouging (that is, increasing prices more than inflation justified), the rate of inflation for consumers would have exceeded that for producers. It did not.”
  • “Here’s the reality – Biden-Harris economic policy caused the inflation working- and middle-class Americans are living through. Those policies include massive government spending that required a dramatic increase in the money supply plus burdensome costs of overregulation. Their cumulative effect has been devastating.”
  • “The bottom line: Biden-Harris economic policies drove the debilitating inflation we’ve been experiencing over the past three and a half years. Claims of price gouging are a baseless attempt to avoid blame for what should have been the obvious consequences of those policies.”   

Read the full op-ed here.

WALZ HAS A LOT TO ANSWER FOR – Americans who served our country are calling out Tim Walz for lying about his military service. Watch the video here.

KAMALA’S AFGHANISTAN WITHDRAWAL – Kamala owns the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal. Click here to watch the video.

KAMALA INSULTS GOLD STAR FAMILIES – Click here for a video on the heartbreaking and devastating loss from Kamala’s Afghanistan withdrawal, and the disrespect the Harris-Biden administration has shown the Gold Star families.

VANCE AT VFW POST 92 – President Trump and soon-to-be Vice President JD Vance have been travelling the country and holding Tim Walz and Kamala Harris responsible for their lies, radicalism and failures.

Recently, JD Vance held an event at VFW Post 92. He was joined by Americans who served and sacrificed for our country in calling out Walz for his lies. Watch the recap here.

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