FACT CHECK: Kamala’s “Values Have Not Changed”

September 10, 2024

Kamala Harris is trying to hide from her radical record — but she’s still the same dangerous liberal she has always been.


When Kamala Harris admitted her “values have not changed,” she admitted she’s still a Radical Left lunatic whose positions are FAR to the left of the American people. But no amount of walkbacks — most of which come in the form of quotes from anonymous aides — can shield Kamala’s radically liberal beliefs.


These are her own words:


CLAIM: Kamala "would not ban fracking."

  • "There is no question I am in favor of banning fracking." (Link)
  • "I am committed to ... finally putting an end to fracking once and for all." (Link)


CLAIM: Kamala “pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border.”

  • The border wall is a “vanity project.” (Link)
  • President Trump’s border wall is “un-American.” (Link)
  • “Trump’s border wall is a complete waste of taxpayer money and won't make us any safer.” (Link)


CLAIM: Banning plastic straws is “no longer her position.”

  • “I think we should” ban plastic straws. (Link)


CLAIM: Kamala “does not support an electric vehicle mandate.”

  • “50% of all new passenger vehicles sold are zero-emission by 2020, and 100% are zero-emission by 2035.” (Link)


CLAIM: Kamala "no longer supports a single-payer health care system."

  • "Let's eliminate all [private health insurance]. Let's move on!" (Link)
  • "I've always supported" a socialist takeover of health care. (Link)
  • "I am proud to co-sponsor" government takeover of health care. (Link)
  • "As we talk about moving toward a single-payer system, I think that there is certainly momentum." (Link)


CLAIM: Kamala doesn’t back decriminalizing illegal border crossings.

  • Kamala raised her hand in support of “decriminalizing illegal border crossings.” (Link)
  • “I am in favor of saying that we’re not going to treat people who are undocumented and cross the border as criminals.” (Link)
  • “To suggest that undocumented immigrants are criminals ... is an absolute mischaracterization of the issue.” (Link)


CLAIM: Kamala won't defund the police.

  • "I applaud" defunding the police. (Link)
  • "We need to reimagine" our police departments. (Link)
  • "What we will do is reimagine public safety." (Link)


CLAIM: Kamala "no longer supports" main tenants of the Green New Deal, including a federal jobs guarantee.

  • "I am committed to passing a Green New Deal." (Link)
  • "I support it ... we're gonna have to figure out a way to get there." (Link)
  • "I am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a Green New Deal." (Link)


CLAIM: Kamala doesn't support mandatory gun confiscation.

  • Mandatory gun confiscation is "a great idea ... I'm gonna take executive action." (Link)
  • "A buyback program is a good idea." (Link)
  • "I support a mandatory [gun] buyback program." (Link)


CLAIM: Kamala won't pack the Supreme Court with far-left activist judges.

  • "I'm open to this conversation about ... increasing the number of people on the U.S. Supreme Court." (Link)
  • "Everything is on the table." (Link)
  • "I am open to that discussion" of packing the Court. (Link)


CLAIM: Kamala is “backing away” from supporting reparations for slavery.

  • “There have to be some form of reparations.” (Link)


CLAIM: Kamala wants “strong border security and an earned pathway to citizenship.”

  • "An undocumented immigrant is not a criminal." (Link)
  • "I support our sanctuary [city] law." (Link)
  • "We need to probably even think about starting [ICE] from scratch." (Link)
  • Illegal immigration "is not an emergency." (Link)


CLAIM: Kamala wants “no tax on tips.”

  • Kamala’s “IRS proposes crackdown on tips.” (Link)
  • “Biden-Harris IRS targeted tipped workers with heightened scrutiny.” (Link)