Border Patrol, Locals, Lawmakers Shred Kamala’s Photo Op

September 28, 2024

The fallout continues over Kamala's shameless border drop-in — the Border Czar's first trip to the border in 1,190 days


Kamala's eleventh hour drop-in to the southern border was a humiliating failure — no matter the predictable spin from her Fake News allies.



The National Border Patrol Council — which represents 18,000 Border Patrol agents and other personnel — slammed Kamala's visit:

  • "She spoke to two members of management — she didn't speak to agents ... She was there for 20 minutes for a photo op. That's all she did. President Trump actually cares." (Art Del Cueto, VP, National Border Patrol Council)

  • "Harris has ignored the border problem she created for over three years. She goes down there for 20 minutes for a photo op and decides to repeat some of the things the NPBC has said before. But again, where has she been the last 3 1/2 years?" (@BPUnion on X)

  • "Harris asserted in Arizona that CBP needed more resources. We have apprehended over 8 million illegal immigrants over the last 4 years and now you realize we need more help 38 days before the election." (@BPUnion on X)

  • "Harris claimed that she played a role in increasing Border Patrol Agent overtime pay. This couldn't be further from the truth. As with all things border related she was no where to be found when we needed her." (@BPUnion on X)


Area residents panned her drop-in as all politics:

  • "She doesn't care about the border. She wants it open, so I don't believe a word she says." (NBC News)

  • "Our message to her is: go back to San Francisco and fix what you screwed up. We don't need you here telling us what we need because it's obvious, after three-and-a-half years of being the Border Czar, she hasn't got a damn clue what's going on and what needs to be done." (Fox News)

  • "She's trying to get some votes at the last minute. Where was she three-and-a-half, four years ago?" (Fox News)

  • "[It's] politics, of course ... She's had, what, three-and-a-half, four years to do something of some consequences and hasn't done anything? And I don't think she's gonna do anything but carry on another word salad." (Fox News)

  • "It's all publicity. It's kind of like she's here, she doesn't care — she just cares about winning." (Fox News)

The pile-on continued from area lawmakers:

  • Rep. Juan Ciscomani (AZ-6): "Nothing more than a photo opportunity to try and score political points. For three and a half years, the vice president has been in a position to address this crisis — but instead she has ignored it."

  • Rep. Darrell Issa (CA-48): "Kamala owes America an apology, not a photo op."

  • Rep. Monica De La Cruz (TX-15): "It's no coincidence that this last-minute visit comes as polls show Harris struggling in Arizona. Despite the photo ops, the fact remains [that] under Harris’s watch, we've faced an unprecedented border crisis, a stark contrast to the secure border we had under President Trump."

It's easy to see why Kamala's quick trip was a flop — she has spent the entirety of her tenure importing millions of illegal aliens, including violent criminals and gang members, into American communities while making border security an afterthought.


Now, a month from the election, she's desperate for votes — and it shows.