Kamala’s Border Drop-In Was As Disgraceful As You’d Expect

September 27, 2024

Kamala Harris left the southern border just as quickly as she arrived — but not before a photo op and disgusting speech designed as political cover for the invasion she has brought on the American people over the past four years.


Everything she said was a complete and total lie — a desperate attempt to fool Americans into forgetting the chaos and devastation she has unleashed over her four years as Border Czar.

  • Kamala promised to "protect our nation's sovereignty" and "secure our border" — after she delivered 20 million illegal aliens to American communities.

  • Kamala pledged mass amnesty for millions of illegal aliens — eventually turning them into full citizens, complete with voting rights and benefits paid for by taxpayers.

  • Kamala pretended to be interested in the border wall — which she previously derided as "un-American," a "vanity project," and a "complete waste of taxpayer money."

  • Kamala claimed she'd "protect the lives of our people" — but said nothing about the families of Jocelyn Nungaray, Rachel Morin, Laken Riley, or the countless other U.S. citizens brutally raped and murdered by illegals she welcomed into the country.

  • Kamala claimed stopping gangs and cartels is her "longstanding priority" — but failed to mention she handed them control through her open border.

  • Kamala called for "more resources" for the same Border Patrol and ICE agents she compared to the KKK — after she previously smeared them with lies, opposed their funding, and refused to meet with their chief.

  • Kamala said Americans have to elect her before she'll do anything to address the fentanyl crisis — and said nothing about the Americans already dead from the record volume of fentanyl she let be trafficked into the country.

  • Kamala restated existing law by pledging to deny entry to illegal aliens "for five years" — something she hasn't been willing to do as Border Czar.

  • Kamala attempted to claim President Trump "did nothing" to secure the border — after he presided over the safest border in American history.

Most telling was what Kamala didn't say. She did NOT address the 600,000+ criminal migrant offenders — including murderers and rapists — roaming the country on her watch, nor did she address the American citizens senselessly victimized by her negligence.


One area resident summed it up best: "I don't believe a word she says."