President Trump Beats Crooked Joe Biden, Nikki Haley Would Lose

January 20, 2024

In November, Republicans must evict Crooked Joe Biden from the White House but there's only one candidate who can do it: President Donald J. Trump.


While poll after poll shows that President Trump is the strongest candidate to beat Biden in a general election, Nikki Haley can't beat Joe Biden at all. As a matter of fact, if it weren't for radical Democrats meddling in the GOP primary, Nikki would be polling in the single digits.


2024 General Election: Haley vs. Biden


Economist/YouGov (12/31-1/12)

Biden 41% (+5)

Haley 36%


Yahoo News (12/14-12/18)

Biden 39% (+3)

Haley 36%


Rasmussen Reports (1/7-1/9)

Biden 38% (+2)

Haley 36%


Harvard-Harris (12/13-12/14)

Biden 42% (+2)

Haley 40%


2024 General Election: Trump vs. Biden


Rasmussen Reports (1/7-1/9)

Trump 49% (+8)

Biden 41%


The Messenger/HarrisX (1/16-1/17)

Trump 52% (+4)

Biden 48%


Morning Consult (1/13-1/15)

Trump 43% (+2)

Biden 41% 


CBS News (1/10-1/12)

Trump 50% (+2)

Biden 48%