Palm Beach Playbook - Special Post-Debate Edition

June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024

TRUMP’S HUGE VICTORY – It wasn’t even close. President Donald Trump won the debate in a landslide!

Even CNN’s instant poll gave President Trump the resounding victory, and it’s not hard to see why. President Trump offered a clear vision for our country of a booming economy, a secure border, and peace through strength.

In one especially powerful moment, President Trump called out Crooked Joe Biden for refusing to hold anyone accountable, including himself, for the many unprecedented failures of the Biden administration: “Did you fire anybody?

President Trump dominated the debate:

  • Virginia Voter: “Calm, cool and collected on Trump’s part.”
  • Sen. J.D. Vance: “Donald Trump showed real compassion for the people harmed by Biden’s border policies; Joe Biden showed none.”
  • Speaker Mike Johnson: “On every metric of performance last night, Donald Trump won.”
  • Gov. Glenn Youngkin: “It was a clear statement of strength vs. weakness… this is why Virginia is in play.”
  • Dr. Ben Carson: “Strong, confident, and presidential, he showed all Americans that the choice is clear in November.”
  • Chairman Michael Whatley: “An absolutely dominant debate performance. President Trump understands how to solve the problems plaguing the American people. Biden couldn’t even understand the questions.”

In the words of Trump Campaign Senior Advisors Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles: “Tonight President Trump delivered the greatest debate performance and victory in history to the largest voter audience in history, making clear exactly how he will improve the lives of every American. Over and over President Trump highlighted common-sense plans to reduce inflation, bringing down the costs of groceries, housing, and gas, as well as his plans to bring back his successful first-term policies that kept our southern border secure and free from the wave of Biden Migrant Crimes currently sweeping our country. Joe Biden on the other hand showed exactly why he deserves to be fired.”

Read the full statement here, and for must watch moments from the debate, click here.

"WIDESPREAD PANIC AMONG DEMOCRATS." – The meltdown began almost immediately: “There is widespread panic among Democrats,” reported NBC News.Difficult to watch;” “where does this go from here;" "this race is effectively over” … Those were just a few of the ways Democrats described Joe Biden’s performance.

Even Kamala Harris threw her running mate under the bus: It was a slow start, that's obvious to everyone. I'm not going to debate that point.” Yikes.

The reviews of Biden were stinging. The reaction from the mainstream media speaks for itself:

When Biden’s even lost MSDNC, you know it’s bad. Click here to read more.

“FREEZES AND STUMBLES” – The New York Post was quick with a write-up of the debate.

Some key lines:

  • “President Biden repeatedly froze and misspoke during his first – and possibly only – debate against former President Donald Trump Thursday night, prompting anguish and panic in the Democratic Party fewer than four months before the general election.”
  • “In what will be the most-replayed political moment of the night, the week, the month and maybe the year, the 81-year-old incumbent lost his train of thought for about nine seconds, looking down at his lectern before popping up again to say that he ‘finally beat Medicare.’”
  • “Other Democrats decided to brief anonymously, with CNN reporter John King opening the network’s post-debate coverage by describing ‘a deep, a wide and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party.’”

Read the full article here.

THE MELTDOWN – Didn’t watch the debate and wondering why Democrats are panicking about Biden’s meltdown? Here’s why. Watch the video here.

“WE BEAT MEDICARE” – That was a quote from Joe Biden. Seriously. Watch the video here.

“DID YOU FIRE ANYBODY?” – President Trump called out Joe Biden for having the exact same team that has failed again and again. Watch the video here.

BIDEN LIES – Biden spent most of the debate lying about everything from inflation, to taxes, to foreign policy, to the border, to his golf game. He lied many, many times, but there are two specifically we want to call out.

Joe Biden claimed he is the only president that “doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world.” That is an outrageous lie.

Crooked Joe Biden also claimed that “the Border Patrol endorsed me.” That’s a flat-out lie.

Those are just two of many. Go to for full fact checks of Biden’s many lies.

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